Saturday, June 29, 2024

Personal Digest Saturday: June 22 – June 28

Life news this week:

  • Saturday was lazy and I slept late because I needed it. Nice to be able to do that. :) Spent some of the day doing a transcript for my workplace and working on my blog. Also put away some packages that were lying around and did some dishes and played a game where I guess world flags. Recorded Polos.

  • Sunday I finished quizzing myself on world flags and have learned them for every country. I do weird things like that sometimes. I wrote my webcomic early because I'm busy on Friday, then did laundry, took out the trash, drew a little, and crammed in my steps while practicing music.

  • Monday I did a letter edit at work and we found out we were shortlisted for ANOTHER project too. When it rains it pours. I worked on support documents for it. I drew some more comic art and played the flag quiz game. Called our probate lawyer to discuss the unresolved stuff. (They did not answer my e-mails at all last week and it looks like it's because the person I was e-mailing no longer works there. That's the second time that's happened. Argh.) Also made some Polos and put away laundry.

  • Tuesday I had meetings and research to do. Then I drew comics and played the quiz game. I switched the decorations out to my midsummer displays. Ben and Scott were supposed to come over but they canceled again.

  • Wednesday I had some computer issues and some work to do for our yearly audit stuff. Sent a gift to my sister. Talked to Tony outside after he did the lawn and paid him the full amount for taking care of my mom's yard. Scott came by and gave me some Indian food (which he was originally going to bring me the day before but they canceled). I put it in the fridge and went out with Jeaux. We ate at Mandola's and did our shopping and came home. I was pleasantly surprised to find that a cute little Carolina Wren was sleeping on my porch again, just like last year! (It is the Return of Birdle!) We were both so excited. After Jeaux left I did some updates on my comic.

  • Thursday I did work on project research and not much else. Did some Polos and ate some snacks from my last Japanese snack box. Met my friends for game night and halfway through the first Presidential Debate started so I listened to it in one ear while playing the games and managed to multitask. Can't believe they used part of their time in this debate to argue about who's better at golf. I was live-texting reactions to it with my friend Yasmin while it was on. After the game night I got my steps while texting about the debate with Yasmin and Jeaux.

  • Friday I did my usual timesheets and project reports at work. Wrapped up my webcomic and posted it, then got steps in doing a Polo, and then sat down with Daria to finish Season 4 of Steven Universe for our podcast. (We recorded the episodes "Are You My Dad?" and "I Am My Mom.") Went to bed shortly after.
New Reviews:
Health Plan Update:

  • Weight stuff: Nothing drastic to report. I recorded a high of 123.0 and a low of 122.8, but didn't record anything most days.
  • Nutrition stuff: I didn't pay much attention this week as far as planning the balance (and I ate a lot of snacks from my snack box for two days), but the fruits and veggies are still plentiful and I'm getting at least one green vegetable almost every day. I am still regularly taking vitamins.
  • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Wednesday at 10,107 steps, and my high day was Monday at 11,492 steps.

Books Read: 

    New singing performances:

    This week's karaoke song is "Sign of the Times" by Harry Styles.

    Stuff drawn:

    My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:

    #0998: adele #245: under the radar.

    Videos Made: 


    New photos:

    Pride Day 22: Gay America by Linas Alsenas

    Pride Day 23: Ace flag pillow

    Pride Day 24: Steven Universe official Pride merch (Made of Love patch & rainbow Garnet)

    Pride Day 25: "LOVE WINS" Steven Universe t-shirt

    Pride Day 26: Loveless by Alice Oseman

    Pride Day 27: Rainbow flag IKEA bag

    Pride Day 28: The Answer by Rebecca Sugar

    Return of Birdle!

    Social media counts:

    YouTube subscribers: 5,452 for swankivy (lost 1), 677 for JulieSondra (no change), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 198 for Not-So-Giant Women (lost 1), 67 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 839 for swankivy (lost 1), 3,874 for JulieSondra (lost 2). Facebook: 299 friends for swankivy (no change), 644 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 257 likes for So You Write (8 new), 100 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (1 new). Tumblr followers: 2,437 (no change). Instagram followers: 282 (lost 1). Threads followers: 64 (1 new).

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