Sunday, December 31, 2023

Year-End Survey 2023

Here's my year-end survey for 2023!

1. What did you do in 2023 that you'd never done before?

  • Provided a sensitivity read on request.

  • Reviewed an academic paper for someone.

  • Put on a three-hour band performance with my band--twice! (Once for a Harley-Davidson dealership's month-end party, and once for our own friends and family concert.)

  • Had a professional massage.

  • Went to a Trans Town Hall.

  • Sold a car. (I know, right?)

  • Attended a charity livestream for Infloresce for an entire 12 hours.

  • Participated as one of the 92 singers in the Gem Choir.

    Warning, sad stuff and medical stuff:

  • Had to have one of my toenails removed. (It grew back.)

  • Took my first ever Covid test. (It was negative.)

  • Uh . . . I had a routine colonoscopy.

  • And the big one: I experienced the death of a parent and everything that went with saying goodbye to my mom. And have performed the duties of an estate administrator.

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

Last year, these were my resolutions, and whether I kept them:

1. Read more.
[I kept this one, but only because the year before was abysmally low. I only read SEVEN books this year.]

2. Finish writing my book In Bloom and make progress with test readers, hopefully approaching agents before the close of the year. (My current agent only reps my nonfiction.)
[I did not keep this one. I didn't finish writing the book. I did write five new chapters, but ALL of it was in the first five months of the year.]

3. Get back into Dance Dance Revolution for some better stamina.
[I played a few times but nothing regular. I would NOT say I kept this one. I played twice in January, twice in March, and four times in October. Yikes.]

4. Finish the photo journal aspect of my website and complete another section's revamp (I'm thinking I could start the writing section).
[I finished the photo journal and all the albums but still have a LOT of uncategorized photos that I intended to incorporate before considering this done, and I didn't start any other section revamps. This was NOT met.]

5. Keep up with communication. Make it a priority to get through all conversational e-mails every week.
[I would consider this to be successful. I currently have ONE unanswered e-mail in my box. That said, people just kinda don't e-mail me anymore, so it's been pretty easy. I got my inbox down to FIVE e-mails within the first 10 days of January and have stayed below five the entire year.]

6. Continue to post my YouTube videos once a month, my writing cartoon once a month, and my fantasy webcomic once a week.
[SUCCESS! I have posted 12 YouTube videos (each toward the end of every month), 12 writing cartoons (each on the last day of the month), and 52 fantasy comics (each Friday, and was never late).]

7. Be more active about documenting everyday life on various social media. I have been keeping stuff off the internet too much and now I don't have the kinds of records I am used to having.
[Marginally successful. I still am doing too much of my day-to-day in phone calls or Polos to like two or three people. But I did manage to get some of my long-held rants and rambles into the journal this year.]

8. Spend quality time with my friends. I'd like to continue game night and we are planning to have a vacation house adventure in March.
[SUCCESS! I actually spent a LOT of time with friends this year and prioritized it. I enjoyed it and have learned to feel less guilty about not "getting things done." But I still haven't completely shaken this. My friends and I did have a lovely vacation during Spring Break.]

9. Continue to grow the repertoire and experience of our band.
[Partial success! We learned some new songs this year and had four performances. I practiced music often and feel like I learned a lot.]

10. Practice ukulele more and get through my recording series of Steven Universe music.
[I practiced ukulele a LOT during certain times of the year--especially before a comic con--and made some recordings, but I did not get through recording videos of the performances at all. I found that I don't really enjoy it.]

New Year's Resolutions this year:

I've been thinking about this a lot. I documented the hell out of my slate of TEN resolutions throughout the year, and was super ambitious about how much I wanted to do (as usual). Guess what? Still really didn't help get stuff done.

Part of it was obviously how much time, energy, and heart was stolen from me in the second half of 2023 because of my mother's death. But I can't "blame" that entirely, even if it did occupy a lot of my attention and take the wind out of my sails in ways I'm still processing.

I know I need to be kind to myself, but at the same time, I'm definitely disappointed in my lack of progress, especially on the things that I seem to resolve year after year. I am good at accountability, but not if I don't have structure. I flip-flopped a bit over whether I'd rather just have no resolutions and "see what happens" or whether I'd rather switch up the accountability a bit, and I think I'm going to try identifying specific goals that have time attached. "Do X more" doesn't seem to work for me. So here's what I'm going to try for the coming year:

1. Health Goals:

a) I don't want a weight goal, though I'll keep an eye on it. I'll be happy whatever happens.

b) I want to drink more water. I resolve to drink a cup of water before my first cup of coffee of the day, and then after that I'll have one cup of water in between every other beverage I drink. I will not define a specific number of glasses or amount a day.

c) I want to eat more fruits and veggies. I resolve to eat one meal with fruit and one meal with veggies every day. (Both.) I will aim for GREEN veggies but may occasionally go for a veggie that is not green.

d) I will continue to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. This will be tracked with the app on my phone.

e) I need to get a dermatologist and a regular dentist this year and go to regular appointments. I have no known issues at this time and I'd like it to stay that way.

f) Should I start a sport? Maybe I could start taking tennis lessons? This is a maybe.

2. Personal Project Goals:

a) Website stuff. I will get all my digital photos sorted into the proper years by the end of February. I'll get them processed onto my website by the end of March. I'll scan some more photos from hard copies where applicable and attempt to have that done by May. By June, I'll leave it open-ended as to what website project I'll do next. I want to get the writing site converted but I don't have a concept yet for what that will look like. That said, I'm going to start January 1 collecting memorable things from Facebook Memories and saving them in a folder to incorporate into the essays on my eventual expanded writing site, because I've written some cool stuff there that almost no one gets to see.

b) Writing stuff. I'll try to write more often but will commit to writing one weekend day OR one weekday after work. I will assign this to Tuesdays and Sundays. I can work on my novel until it's done, work on my next in-progress novel, write short stories, or if I really am not in the zone, do some submissions and/or editing older projects.

c) Music stuff. I will practice for the band as needed, but there are no issues with how much I practice for that. I want to work on ukulele music that I haven't learned yet. I'll take January to review what I know and get back up to speed, then starting in February I'll learn the rest of the songs on my list that I don't know. I'll downgrade my expectations for recording them and just pick up where I left off making recordings without worrying about fun costumes or elaborate effects. I just want to learn the music. I don't want to make a specific structure for this but I'll hope to get these done long before the end of the year.

d) Regular content. I resolve to continue posting a new Negative One webcomic every week and a new So You Write webcomic every month. I'll post a new asexuality video every month. I'll keep sporadically making Not-So-Giant Women with Daria but that depends on her schedule so I can't commit to a post schedule.

3. Reading Goals:

I won't resolve to read a particular number of books, but I will resolve to dedicate time to reading at least twice a week. I'll try to do that on the days I'm not already doing the writing stuff.

4. Relationship and Communication Goals:

a) I'm going to focus on the documentation I want to do for daily life stuff and resist the temptation to just tell other people about it first.

b) I'll continue to answer e-mails promptly and keep my e-mail box clear. I'll respond to the social media comments I get quickly and not put them off or forget about them.

c) I'll continue to prioritize being present with friends and family and making time for them.

5. Other Goals:

These aren't really resolutions, I don't think, but I intend to get my mom's house sold this year, and I want to watch a couple TV shows I've been putting off watching. I don't want to call these resolutions. They don't really have that feel. They're just things I need/want to do.

However, in order to really make time for these goals, I am going to resolve to not play time-wasting games or zone out to listening to news AT ALL this year. If I just need to relax and not do anything, I can read instead. I'm pretty tired of my own excuses on this one and I am not gonna take any shit from me. :)


3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

I am not close with my cousins, but I heard my cousin Alyssa gave birth to baby Melody. :)

4. Did anyone close to you die?

My mother, Marcia, passed away from liver failure at age 68.

My brother-in-law Yusuke also lost his father this year. I met him just once.

And my lovely friend Ronni lost her mother. So did my online acquaintance Melodie.

And my bandmate Heitor lost his father. It was not a great year for parents this year.

5. What countries did you visit?

I did not leave the USA this year.

6. What would you like to have in 2024 that you lacked in 2023?

More quiet time by myself to do projects.

Consequences for Trump and his ilk.

Resolution of the in-progress stuff with my mother's estate.

No trees falling and almost hitting my house.

Quiet neighbors.

As always, a book deal.

7. What dates from 2023 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

March 12–March 18, 2023: My Davenport vacation with my friends.

July 5, 2023: My mother died.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Keeping my head above water during a personal tragedy.

9. What was your biggest failure?

Wasting time and not living up to my own expectations. One of these days I'd love to exceed them, but I am a pretty tough critic.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

The closest thing to this that I suffered was having to have the minor operation on my toe in February. I had to grow a new toenail and for the entire time that it was growing back I decided not to look at my toe, so I never saw what it looked like without a nail. :)

11. What was the best thing you bought?

The last comic book I was missing to have a complete collection of Steven Universe variant covers.

And maybe also my new bird feeder.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

Civil liberty fighters and queer rights activists who are not letting this country go. Yet.

My queer friends.

Everyone who worked to counter the false narratives about the election.

My band members! We worked so hard this year and improved a lot.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

As usual, Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, weird liars like George Santos, and their supporters.

Warmongers, torturers, and kidnappers participating in these terrible wars.

People who spread lies and conspiracy theories (many of which have their roots in antisemitism).

All the bastards who have been feeding the fire on "trans women are men who want access to single-sex spaces to do harm to REAL women" and "LGBTQ+ people are groomers."

Fake friends.

People who use tragedy to capitalize.

Every single fatphobe.

People who blamed oppressed people for their own oppression.

People who expect me and others to clean up the messes they made.

All the weird assholes who keep jerking me around when I'm trying to sell furniture at my mom's.

14. Where did most of your money go?

Besides rent, I dumped over $10,000 covering my mom's bills until I got paid back by her estate once the courts got the paperwork sorted. Since I got that back, it doesn't really count. Beyond that I spent the most on my Davenport vacation and, of course, Steven Universe merchandise.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

Birthday with Meggie

My band's first paid gig

Our incredible Davenport vacation

Being on an asexual book panel with Cody and Ashabi

Getting the final issue of my Steven Universe variant collection

Getting published in an anthology

My 100th Steven Universe T-shirt

First gardenias of the year

The Infloresce Livestream and the Gem Choir

Learning "Aserejé" (a very silly, very fast Spanish song that was very difficult but FUN to sing)

Seeing my wonderful sisters after our mom died

Metrocon 2023

Time with family during summer vacation

A Pride donut

Cookie Cats with family

Halloween Party

Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes

Introducing new friend Ben to Steven Universe


Cookies for Christmas Eve

16. What song will always remind you of 2023?

"Sweet Time." Please listen.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

i. happier or sadder?


ii. thinner or fatter?

Literally within a pound of this time last year, so. No difference.

iii. richer or poorer?

Technically quite a bit richer, but I'm not sure how that will shake out when everything is settled with my mom's estate.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?

Writing fiction, reading, sleeping, completing projects, being creative, practicing ukulele, documenting things I failed to document.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?

Getting mad about things I can't control, dealing with dirty work at my mom's house after she died (but it was necessary), being patient with people who treated me badly, playing mindless games for too long while catching up on news drama.

20. How did you spend Christmas?

I spent Christmas by myself decompressing, but the day before Christmas, Jeaux and I hosted my dad and Connie to have a fancy meal with us, and the day after Christmas I had a cookie party.

21. How will you be spending New Year's Eve?

Writing this blog entry, LOL. (I spent a lovely morning having donuts with Adam and Meg and a lovely afternoon talking to Steve on the phone, though.)

22. Did you fall in love in 2023?

None of my relationships with other people could be described as "falling in love." I maintain that I have all the love I want in my life.

23. How many one-night stands?

I should probably just delete this question from the survey. But then I'd have to re-number and ew.

24. What was your favorite TV program?

Steven Universe is still my undisputed favorite, but this year I enjoyed Our Flag Means DeathHeartstopperFionna and Cake, and Koisenu Futari (which we have not finished watching).

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?


26. What was the best book you read this year?

I read very little sadly, so I will name Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture by Sherronda J. Brown.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?

I loved a bunch of the music I listened to during the Infloresce stream, and enjoyed the hilarious comedic stylings of Tom Cardy, but to be honest I think I was most pleasantly blown away by Rebecca Sugar's sweet, poignant, gorgeous album Spiral Bound.

28. What did you want and get?

No major hurricanes hitting my area, lots of time alone, the final comic book I needed for my collection, performances with the band, a work/life balance that continues to be comfortable, a Covid-free year, a published short story, a lot of quality time with friends and family, good health, a happy home, love and humor, good entertainment.

29. What did you want and not get?

Another novel completed, positive resolution for social justice issues, basic good behavior from people who should know better, surprise Steven Universe content (hehe, no I didn't expect this, I just wanted it), opportunities to play with little babies, enough sleep.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?

I didn't watch any movies this year except RatatouilleYellowbeardEverything Everywhere All at OnceDungeons and DragonsAcross the Spider-VerseNimona, and Barbie. My favorite was definitely Everything Everywhere All at Once.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

I turned 45. I made myself some fancy pancakes in the morning and also had them for lunch. And I cleaned two bedrooms. Got nice birthday phone calls from Dad, Mom, and Patricia, plus texts from Lindsay. Mom brought me a margherita pizza from Mandola's and hung out a bit and also gave me some pants. Later that weekend I celebrated my birthday with a big party. Meggie and I made 7UP cake and chocolate cake for our double birthday, and we had 8 people over to eat nacho concoctions, play Cards Against Humanity, eat cake, hang out until 3 AM talking.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

In general, if the people who were supposed to communicate with me did so clearly and stood by their word. There was an awful lot of terrible communication this year that frustrated me a lot.

That said, the year would have been pretty badass if I'd gotten a book deal. Better get moving on that!

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2023?

Steven Universe tee shirts, jeans that fit better, oversize shirts that can be tied around the waist if I'm not cold, and a side part that's partly held in place by one barrette. I have also been putting my hair up while I'm hanging out alone a LOT.

34. What kept you sane?

My family to lean on when my mom died--it sounds silly but it helped me way more than I thought I would need, to have them there, you know?

Also, beautiful cartoons, and the internet.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

Oh, you silly survey.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?

Trans rights and all the frigging liars in government.

37. Who did you miss?


38. Who was the best new person you met?


39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2023.

Don't eat hair.

Just kidding.

Peace is possible.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:

"If I leave you, it doesn't mean I love you any less."

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Personal Digest Saturday: December 23 – December 29

Life news this week:

  • Saturday was my concert at Big Top Lakewood Ranch! Jeaux picked me up and we drove to the location, and it was a really pretty bar. We played two sets and my friend Ben also came out to see some of the show. It went really well and I didn't forget the words. :) Except for the small stage, I thought it was a super comfortable venue. We stayed for a little of the next band but had to leave because we had to go bake a cake. We got some food at Zaxby's and then dove into making the gingerbread roll cake when we got home. Cooling takes a while for a roll cake so we made another cookie (the cardamom cookies) in the meantime. Everything turned out well and Jeaux even bravely handled almost everything for the roll cake! After he left, I cleaned up and made the dough for the Lion House rolls because they needed to rise in the fridge overnight.

  • Sunday I woke up early before my alarm. Guess I wanted to get started. I had a pretty leisurely breakfast and then got started rolling out the Lion House dinner rolls which was murderous. (Have you ever rolled out a really resilient dough to 10" by 40"??) But I got them in the oven eventually. Meg dropped by to give me some more eBay stuff to sell and watched me make some of my white bean pot pies. As she was leaving Jeaux showed up and as soon as I was out of the way he started making scalloped potatoes. He made it all himself this year too. I cleaned up in the kitchen and heated the cider. Then we had to put together our appetizers. When Dad and Connie arrived we had gotten our green bean casserole together and I was trying to work on the cauliflower. Jeaux ended up making gravy as well. Finally we sat down to dinner and everyone liked everything! We took a break to exchange gifts and digest, and then we went back for dessert. Five cookie types to choose from, plus gingerbread roll cake. Wow! Really enjoyed the day and Jeaux helped clean up after we chilled and watched Colbert.

  • Monday I had the day off at work because IT WAS CHRISTMAS. I woke up early even though I had turned off alarms. I didn't do anything all day except clean up gift carnage and incorporate the gifts into my collection lists where appropriate, and texted certain people to thank them for gifts. Ate a bunch of leftovers. Took a nap. Did laundry. Sent a Polo to Cara. Set up for the party for the next day.

  • Tuesday I did a lot of work! I knocked out a proposal plan and did a bunch of forms and preparations for our shortlisted job, and I attended one meeting. Then I finished setting up for my party and people started filtering in in the early evening. It was supposed to be eight people but we were one short because Adam had allergies. So Meghan, Jeaux, Ben, Dare, Yasmin, and Arthur came to my place to help eat up cookies and drink cider. All the cider got drank but the cocoa was not popular! Weird! Some of us had presents for each other and that was cool. We all enjoyed listening to music, eating, and even a little dancing! A few people helped me clean up and then I went to bed.

  • Wednesday I worked on reports and edited a letter. We decided not to do Jeaux Day because we've been hanging out so much lately and needed some non-people time. I cleaned up some more of the party messes, and other than that just ate leftovers and wasted time. It was nice to have a lower-key day though.

  • Thursday work was on the slow side so I just did more of my reports and updates. Walked to the post office at lunch to send an eBay item for Meghan again. Took some naps. Spent the day processing concert footage from our Saturday show, but now I'm not supposed to share it yet. Played games with friends online (nice to have Steve and Dare back!), and after, recorded an asexuality video for the channel.

  • Friday I was busy. Did the timesheets and reports. Then did my comic, did Polos, and wrangled furniture buyers. Seems like people aren't communicating very effectively. After I posted the comic, I did a karaoke song and posted my asexuality video.

Interviews, Articles, Mentions:

Health Plan Update:

  • Weight stuff: Kind of shocked that I had a hearty Christmas Eve dinner, a cookie party, and tons of leftovers, and yet my stats are lower than last week. High weight: 121.3. Low weight: 120.1.
  • Nutrition stuff: Between cookies and festive meals, this was a very high fat week. There were some days where I didn't get enough protein. It balanced out somewhat toward the end of the week, and the festive meals included some green beans and salad so I got some vegetables! Still consistently taking vitamins.
  • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Friday at 10,036 steps, and my high day was Thursday at 13,446 steps.

Books Read: 

  • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

  • Currently Reading: Loveless by Alice Oseman. I'm on page 192.
    New singing performances:

    This week's karaoke song is "Winter" by Tori Amos.

    Stuff drawn:

    My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:

    Videos Made:

    Letters to an Asexual #109 ("I don't want to come out") is out. In this video, I share three Anonymous questions sent to me about various reasons for not wanting to come out and my advice for them.

    New photos:

    Jeaux and I brought the same bag to my concert

    Jeaux making the scalloped potatoes

    Finished Lion House Rolls

    Christmas Eve Feast!

    Pot Pie

    Jeaux trolling Dad with a gift. It was a gift card.

    Cards Against Humanity for Dad from Patricia.

    Puzzle for Connie from Patricia.

    Cookies and Cake!

    Dessert Crew!

    Jeaux trolled me by wrapping my present twice.

    Cute sunglasses from Lindsay

    A squirrel enjoying corn!

    Cookie Platter

    Yasmin & Dare match!

    Cookie Sampler

    Giant Cookie

    Trying vegan marshmallows in cocoa

    Social Media Counts: 

    YouTube subscribers: 5,443 for swankivy (lost 2), 676 for JulieSondra (lost 1), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 195 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change), 70 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 847 for swankivy (2 new), 3,861 for JulieSondra (lost 3). Facebook: 299 friends for swankivy (no change), 644 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 246 likes for So You Write (no change), 97 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,442 (no change). Instagram followers: 264 (lost 1).

    Saturday, December 23, 2023

    Personal Digest Saturday: December 16 – December 22

    Life news this week:

    • Saturday I went to Mom's to sell furniture again and wasn't too successful because people keep claiming they're coming and then not showing up. Jeaux was nice enough to drive me there because he was out for an errand already! I met my friends Ben and Scott there and they hung out while I sold furniture to the ONE person who showed up, and Ben gave me advice and perspectives on my mom's house. He also bought some old cameras! Yay. The three of us had a nice day despite the rain and hung out eating at a plant-based restaurant named Florish. I had a bowl and we ate cookies too. Then after they took me home and left, I did my blogging, a short nap, some music practice, and some updates on my collection page.

    • Sunday I went to band practice with Dad. Good practice and we got through our sets and had some time for workshopping. We ate pizza after and Dad took me home. I did my laundry and took out the trash as usual. Finished updating my collection page and slept pretty early.

    • Monday I had two letters going out and bothered some team partners, did online errands, and updated my recipe cards and food lists. I negotiated with furniture buyers and went to Mom's after work again and yet again two people out of the three ghosted me, and one of them went to the wrong place and tried to act like it was my fault, then wanted a different item than the one they'd spoken for. Welp. I was pretty upset. But at least I got my mom's stained glass scraps out of the garage and sorted into pretty containers to sell to someone soon. I took a rideshare home, cleaned up, did more laundry, and wrote a comic.

    • Tuesday I worked--had a meeting, invited teaming partners, finished some data entry, and sent out utility coordination requests. Put together my new shirt stacker and organized all my Steven Universe shirts on it. Cleaned a little in the house but it was slow going. Did a Polo for Patricia and wrapped presents. Found out a bunch still haven't been delivered. ANNOYING.

    • Wednesday I managed to get the vacuuming done. It was my nephew Ash's tenth birthday! WOW! I sang him a song and he got to open my birthday presents for him. Yay! Jeaux came over and we went to 4 Rivers for dinner (they have a vegan dish now!) and after we went on our epic shop so we could have stuff for our foodstravaganza. I was too tired to make cookies so I went to bed after Colbert. Then I woke up again and chatted with Paul and drew some comics.

    • Thursday work was a little busy. I did my upcoming project reports and followed up on teaming requests, and had to send out another set of utility requests. Then after work I finished drawing comics, processed the comics, practiced music, and prepped dough for some cookies that had to chill overnight. Played games with friends online, then did walking and Poloing. I also tested my food processor and it works, which is great because last time I tried to use it it didn't!

    • Friday I had water maintenance guys fix my chlorine tank injector first thing in the morning. Then I baked cookies with Jeaux (we both had the day off). We made butterscotch sandwich cookies and homemade Thin Mints. After he left I made snowball cookies and Christmas pinwheels. I practiced some music stuff and posted my comic.

    Interviews, Articles, Mentions:

    • A poll was run by the magazine After Dinner conversation about my short story "Everyone's Gay in Space," asking whether you'd be jealous of your clone was more successful than you.

    Health Plan Update:

    • Weight stuff: More downward progress. I was so busy this week that my meals were a little light and caught when I had time, but some of it involved making healthier choices on purpose. High weight: 122.3. Low weight: 121.0.
    • Nutrition stuff: Decent balance, ate some adventurous things that were new to me this week but everything stayed relatively balanced and I got a good mixture of nutrients. Still consistently taking vitamins.
    • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Monday at 10,130 steps, and my high day was Wednesday at 13,741 steps.

    Books Read: 

    • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

    • Currently Reading: Loveless by Alice Oseman. I'm on page 126.
      New singing performances:

      This week's karaoke song is "Smells Like Nirvana" by Weird Al Yankovic.

      Stuff drawn:

      My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:

      Videos Made:


      New photos:


      Social Media Counts: 

      YouTube subscribers: 5,445 for swankivy (lost 1), 677 for JulieSondra (1 new), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 195 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change), 70 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 845 for swankivy (lost 1), 3,864 for JulieSondra (3 new). Facebook: 299 friends for swankivy (no change), 644 likes for JulieSondra (lost 1), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 246 likes for So You Write (no change), 97 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,442 (no change). Instagram followers: 265 (no change).

      Saturday, December 16, 2023

      Personal Digest Saturday: December 9 – December 15

      Life news this week:

      • Saturday I went to Mom's to sell furniture again. Sold an entertainment center and a mirror, and dealt with a couple freaks. Then I barely had time to get home and clean up before Ben got to my house and we went to the bird store, brief shopping, and made our own pizzas. We just hung out and talked into the night and I gave him Kari's present. Ben bought me a fun bird-shaped seed sculpture for birds and squirrels to enjoy and some corncobs for squirrels. Fun!

      • Sunday I rested, did some catch-up blogging because Saturday was too packed to do it, did laundry and trash, and finished buying some more holiday gifts. I processed eBay stuff for Meghan and got a present ready to mail for a holiday gift. Did some Polos for my sister and updated my collection list partially.

      • Monday I spent the day chasing teaming partners, setting up shortlist info, and entering data. Walked to the Post Office at lunch to drop off packages. After work, I went back to Mom's, talked to the neighbor, and sold a lamp and a desk. I took down all the stuff on Mom's walls and put some of it up for sale. The neighbor liked two pieces so I gave them to her because she is nice, and she drove me home. Then I wrapped some presents and ate some of the contest of my snack box sent by Fred and Kathy.

      • Tuesday I finished a transcript but it took me all day. I also walked to the post office to mail my sister's family's presents and got a new credit card. Ate some oatmeal and was cold. Was not an eventful day, but I need more days like this.

      • Wednesday was the first day in a while that I didn't either go to Mom's or walk to the Post Office or both. Did more transcript stuff and did some data entry. Jeaux brought me some ravioli part-way through the day. Later we went shopping and hardcore planned out our holiday meal. We also took a walk and caught up on Colbert.

      • Thursday I finished the data entry and more transcript stuff but it was overwhelming me (the second recording I had to do was just really difficult to understand). Did some reports and updating. Had to go to Mom's immediately after work and got a whole closet cleaned out. Sold an ottoman to a man. Got home just in time for online games with friends. Put out my Red Cross donations hoping they wouldn't get left behind AGAIN. Went to bed early.

      • Friday I did timesheets and upcoming project reports. After work I wrote my webcomic and drew it, practiced some music, did a karaoke recording, put away some laundry, prepared an eBay package for Meg, wrapped girts, redecorated my house for the holidays, and did some minor cleaning. Exhausting! Oh, and the Red Cross DID come get my 20 boxes of stuff! So glad it finally happened. I had been putting it out for pickup monthly since September and despite them confirming the pickups, they just wouldn't show up.

      New Interviews, Articles, Mentions:

      New Reviews:

      Health Plan Update:

      • Weight stuff: A little downward progress. I ate a LOT of junk out of that snack box from Fred and Kathy but it was surprisingly not that big a deal. High weight: 122.3. Low weight: 121.5.
      • Nutrition stuff: I did not pay attention to balancing anything this week because I ate junk food from the box and it threw everything into fat-and-carb land. Still, despite that I made an effort to get protein throughout the week. Still consistently taking vitamins.
      • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Saturday at 10,192 steps, and my high day was Monday at 18,086 steps.

      Books Read: 

      • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

      • Currently Reading: Loveless by Alice Oseman. I'm on page 126.
        New singing performances:

        This week's karaoke song is "All I Really Want" by Alanis Morissette.

        Stuff drawn:

        My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:

        Videos Made:


        New photos:


        Social Media Counts: 

        YouTube subscribers: 5,446 for swankivy (lost 4), 676 for JulieSondra (no change), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 195 for Not-So-Giant Women (1 new), 70 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 846 for swankivy (1 new), 3,861 for JulieSondra (lost 1). Facebook: 299 friends for swankivy (lost 1--don't know who unless someone deleted an account), 645 likes for JulieSondra (lost 2), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 246 likes for So You Write (no change), 97 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,442 (no change). Instagram followers: 265 (1 new).

        Sunday, December 10, 2023

        Personal Digest Saturday (but posted on Sunday!): December 2 – December 8

        Life news this week:

        • Saturday I went to Mom's to sell furniture again. Sold a storage locker and a dresser. I put a lot of effort in to make sure the exit route for the dresser was clear. Someone came for an ottoman but decided not to take it because it was not a storage ottoman (I had not indicated that it was). I listed more items for sale as well. And I vacuumed her room and found a bunch of my sister's high school art under the bed. When I got home I did my blogging and prepared some more eBay stuff for sale for Meg. Talked to Jeaux on the phone.

        • Sunday I rested, cleaned up the house a little, dealt with laundry and trash, and wrangled furniture buyers. Did a karaoke song and exchanged Polos with Meg. Wrote an e-mail to Ronni. Kari came over with pizza so we hung out and watched the first six episodes of Steven Universe Future. I opened presents from her and that was cool. :)

        • Monday I did data entry and walked to the post office during lunch to drop off a lightsaber to a buyer from eBay (Meg's stuff). Went to a training meeting and sent invitations to teaming partners. Then went to Mom's to sell more furniture to people. I had to bug my mom's neighbor to lend us the help of her son to help one guy carry out a buffet. The people were really friendly and bought a bunch of Mom's knickknacks too. Then my mom's neighbor offered to drive me home so I let her. She's super nice. (We've met before but only briefly.) Spent the evening posting eBay listings for Meg.

        • Tuesday I had two meetings and data entry. Also spent lunch walking to the post office to drop off more eBay packages. Wrote e-mail to my friend Laura and bought some holiday gifts. Posted more eBay listings for Meg.

        • Wednesday I had two meetings and found out we're hiring someone for drainage stuff. Worked on data entry again. Bought some more gifts, put away laundry finally, and listened to Polos. Jeaux and I ate at Yard House and went shopping at a different grocery store that didn't have some of what I wanted. Then we watched a silly video and didn't take a walk because I am a wimp in the cold. After he left, did more eBay stuff for Meg.

        • Thursday I did more meetings and more walking to the post office for Meg. One of the gift items I'd ordered for a friend was wrong and I had to process a return also. Annoying. Completed my data entry. Played online games with my friends. Tried to get one of Meg's toys to work so I could list it on eBay but couldn't figure it out.

        • Friday I did my reports and went to a meeting. Had to walk to the post office again. Did a bunch of holiday shopping and drew my comic. Started trying to update my online collection but got too tired.

        New Reviews:

        Health Plan Update:

        • Weight stuff: Seeing generally lower numbers, but again, it's mostly 'cause I'm busy. High weight: 123.4. Low weight: 122.3.
        • Nutrition stuff: Doing my best here but the vegetable game was weak this week. I'm still doing well meeting protein goals. Still consistently taking vitamins.
        • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Thursday at 10,102 steps, and my high day was Saturday at 13,179 steps.

        Books Read: 

        • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

        • Currently Reading: Loveless by Alice Oseman. I'm on page 126.
          New singing performances:

          This week's karaoke song is "Nothing Compares 2 U" by Sinéad O'Connor.

          Stuff drawn:

          My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:

          Videos Made:


          New photos:

          Not-So-Giant Women pins made by Kari!

          Social Media Counts: 

          YouTube subscribers: 5,450 for swankivy (no change), 676 for JulieSondra (2 new), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 194 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change), 70 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 845 for swankivy (lost 2), 3,862 for JulieSondra (9 new). Facebook: 300 friends for swankivy (no change), 647 likes for JulieSondra (lost 1), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 246 likes for So You Write (no change), 97 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,442 (no change). Instagram followers: 263 (lost 3).

          Sunday, December 3, 2023

          Personal Digest Saturday: November 25 – December 1

          Life news this week:

          • Saturday I cleaned up around the house and was supposed to see my friend Ben but I didn't hear from him so we didn't hang out. I posted some listings for sale for a bunch of my mom's furniture on Facebook Marketplace and put some of Meg's stuff on eBay. And ended up writing an essay about Steven Universe which did some numbers on Tumblr. Practiced some music, made Polos, did my blogging, and recorded a video for my Letters series.

          • Sunday I spent the whole day over at Mom's selling furniture and taking more photos to list more items. I sold a wall mirror, a set of couches, a table and 8 chairs, a small table and 4 chairs, and a collectibles cabinet. Also had dorks trying to scam me because apparently scams are very common on Facebook Marketplace, but I am good at recognizing scams. In between selling items, I went through more of Mom's stuff and sorted it for donation or sale. Then I came home, cleaned up, did laundry, took out trash, and updated a bunch of stuff on my Mom file and my bank. I installed my new scanner and redid the bad version of Negative One from last week, and I received my new clothes hangers so I got to hang up my special SU jackets on their new clothes rack.

          • Monday work was slower than usual because we didn't have letters going out. I took a look at the upcoming projects and made a stab at a report even though there was nothing coming up. Just did some background updates throughout the day. After work I wrote my next So You Write webcomic, submitted some short stories to magazines, put away laundry while Poloing, and printed out a bunch of paperwork for some Mom-related appointments for the next day. Was researching a date for something by looking at old text messages and saw a conversation with my mom in which I told her to get her liver checked back in 2021. Guess what, she didn't. I was supposed to meet a woman who bought Mom's table but she had to cancel because she got a migraine. Oh well!

          • Tuesday was a super packed day. I worked in the morning and went to a debriefing meeting. Then I had to go to the bank to establish an Estate Account for Mom now that I finally can. The appointment was crappy. It started half an hour late and then took two hours because of technology glitches and confusion. Which made me miss my next appointment at the DMV to get Mom's car transferred into my name. I went to the appointment anyway and they said I was too late and gave me another slot . . . which, weirdly, was very reasonable! And the meeting went very smoothly! I was able to get my mom's title issued to me with no problems. Came home and immediately booked an appointment to sell the car at CarMax the next day. And booked a tow truck to bring it there (both because the car is out of registration and because, well, I am not a licensed driver). Then I updated my sisters on the status, cleaned up, drew a comic, and relaxed with some games. Wrote a set list for an upcoming performance and sent it to the band.

          • Wednesday I worked in the morning again doing some reports. Went to Mom's to meet the tow truck driver and took some more photos and measurements of furniture for listings. The tow truck was 45 minutes late so I missed my CarMax appointment. Is anyone sensing a theme here? I think maybe my mom's penchant for lateness is casting a tardy glaze on everything related to wrapping up her affairs. I finally got to ride in the tow truck while we towed it to CarMax, and then I got a new appointment and received excellent service and an offer I was very happy with. So I sold my mom's car and it's done! Took a Lyft car home and then went out with Jeaux. We ate at Vallarta's and went grocery shopping. It was too cold for walking for my wimpy ass. So we watched the show Koisenu Futari and a little Colbert we hadn't seen. After he left I sent a summary to the probate lawyer and canceled my mom's car insurance.

          • Thursday I was super cold! Did a timesheet update, a utility ticket, and a debrief meeting. At lunchtime I walked to the bank and got some temporary checks (I wasn't allowed to get checks yet until 24 hours had passed, so that's why I didn't get them at the initial appointment). I also deposited the CarMax check and another reimbursement check leftover from my mom's supplemental insurance, and I FINALLY paid myself back for all the bills I'd paid at my mom's house (over $10,000). Whew. While I was at the bank a woman fainted in the lobby so there was drama and ambulances. Fun never stops! Walked home, proofread a letter and sent it out, and then worked on my comic's processing. After work I had to spend a few hours at my mom's because the lady who'd had a migraine was ready to pick up the table and I was also selling an antique desk to a lady for her husband for Christmas. Managed to get a little more packing of donations up before I had to go home for game night. Played with my friends for a couple hours, recorded a karaoke song, posted my comic, and cleaned up.

          • Friday I did my timesheet collections and upcoming project reports for the office, took a break to talk to my old coworker Suma, and dove into some data entry. Monitored offers on Mom's furniture all day but didn't have anything solid for the next visit yet. Busted out my webcomic and cut it a little close because I was practicing music in between. People were bidding on one of Meg's items on eBay that I'm selling for her so I went through the laborious process of making a box for it (it's a lightsaber, so really weird shape). Packed up Mom's license plate to send back to the DMV too.

          New Reviews:

          Health Plan Update:

          • Weight stuff: Seeing some downward movement but I think it's just because I haven't been eating as much due to being so active this week. Not really intentional choices if you know what I mean. High weight: 123.4. Low weight: 121.7.
          • Nutrition stuff: Very balanced diets this week for the most part (if low calorie). The balance between carbs, protein, and fat is almost spot on the recommended amounts all week. And I have returned to eating salads which are excellent. Still consistently taking vitamins.
          • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Monday at 10,176 steps, and my high day was Thursday at 15,511 steps.

          Books Read: 

          • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

          • Currently Reading: Loveless by Alice Oseman. I'm on page 126.
            New singing performances:

            This week's karaoke song is "Bizarre Love Triangle" by New Order.

            Stuff drawn:

            My monthly writing webcomic, So You Write:

            #150: Form Letters.

            My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:

            #0968: dax #142: Suspicious.

            Videos Made:

            Letters to an Asexual #108 ("I wish I was asexual!") is out. In this video, I share two Anonymous questions sent to me about what we should say and how we should react if someone says they wish they were asexual or aromantic.

            New photos:

            Blue Jay!


            Me at my bank appointment

            Me being a wimp

            Selling Mom's car

            Social Media Counts: 

            YouTube subscribers: 5,450 for swankivy (7 new), 674 for JulieSondra (lost 1), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 194 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change), 70 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 847 for swankivy (lost 1), 3,851 for JulieSondra (lost 2). Facebook: 300 friends for swankivy (no change), 648 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 246 likes for So You Write (no change), 97 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,442 (no change). Instagram followers: 266 (no change).