Sunday, June 9, 2024

Personal Digest Saturday: June 1 – June 7

Life news this week:

  • Saturday I got up late, did more negotiation with flaky furniture people for Jeaux, did some kitchen cleanup, and did some of my blog prep. Jeaux picked me up to come see his new place. It was too crowded downtown to go to a restaurant we wanted to go to because of a nearby concert, so we went to a less popular one. Then we went to his place and I got to see the lovely little space and hang out on his balcony for a while drinking iced coffee. Then we watched the movie Hidden Figures (he had not seen it, but I had) and had a very nice night. I worked on my goals post and blogging a little but couldn't finish before needing to sleep.

  • Sunday I got up late again. Did my laundry, finished the unfinished blogging, and cleaned my keyboard extensively while listening to news. Took out the trash, practiced music, recorded a karaoke song, and worked on photo sorting. I got through a whole album. Read some of Cody's book. Played silly geography games.

  • Monday we didn't have any letters due because of letters being offset for a couple weeks due to last week's holiday. Had a meeting and invited teaming partners to our teams. Coordinated more furniture stuff for Jeaux. Read more of Cody's book. Did my walking, put away laundry, and practiced music. Processed another entire photo album.

  • Tuesday I made deals with people for Jeaux's furniture but we just kinda struck out. Worked on three letters and got them all knocked out early. Got some walking done while practicing music. My friends were supposed to hang out that evening but they canceled because Ben was sick. So I spent the evening processing another photo album and sending a Polo to my sister. Updated my writing site with short story info. Planned the Gay Agenda. (Okay, not really. Just made an inventory list of stuff I have that I can feature in a month-long photo project of Pride photos I'm doing.)

  • Wednesday work was just project research and meeting scheduling. Talked to Tony outside when he came to do my lawn. Wasn't able to get photo sorting or reading done. Jeaux came over early and we ate at Noble Crust, shopped at Target and Publix, and watched Colbert. Took a walk and read goofy stuff to each other.

  • Thursday I did some morning work, took a nap, and then did the rest of my work which was mostly marketing stuff. Wrote my webcomic storyboard. Negotiated on eBay. Read more of Cody's book. Ran game night without Meghan (so I had to run the games as the second-in-command!), and drew some comics while playing. Practiced music.

  • Friday I did reports and sent reminders at work. Did some walking and watching media reactions. Drew the rest of my comic, posted it, and got the rest of my steps while practicing music. Read more of Cody's book.

New Reviews:

  • Stephanie Copeland gave The Invisible Orientation a three-star review on Amazon a three-star review on Amazon (noting that the book is "great" but is giving a lower star rating because the book arrived damaged; some people still think the reviews they post are reviews of Amazon's service and not the product).
  • Paulie gave The Invisible Orientation a two-star review on Goodreads a two-star review on Goodreads.
Health Plan Update:

  • Weight stuff: This week I recorded a high of 123.2 and a low of 121.5. Overall the high is higher and the low is lower than last week. Weird.
  • Nutrition stuff: Friday was the only day that I had a really high percentage of fat in my diet (and I guess it's because I had an avocado and cheese in the same day). Weirdly, I was noticing the other days where I had slightly higher fat than recommended, I also had higher protein than recommended, and on days fat was low, protein was low too. But it was mostly a balanced diet this week. I am still regularly taking vitamins.
  • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Thursday at 10,052 steps, and my high day was Saturday at 13,006 steps.

Books Read: 

    New singing performances:

    This week's karaoke song is "Wild World" by Cat Stevens.

    Stuff drawn:

    My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:

    #0995: weaver #156: impulsive.

    Videos Made: 


    New photos:

    Jeaux in his new habitat

    Me with an iced coffee on Jeaux's new balcony

    Pride Day 1: Make America Gay Again bracelets LOL

    Pride Day 2: Empress of the World by Sara Ryan - YA same-sex romance

    Pride Day 3: classic pride flag

    Pride Day 4: Steven Universe "Love Wins" shirt

    Pride Day 5: Trans nonfiction books Some Assembly Required by Arin Andrews and Redefining Realness by Janet Mock.

    Pride Day 6: Ace flag dress!

    Pride Day 6: Ace flag dress!

    Pride Day 7: Dykes to Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel, comic compendium

    Social media counts:

    YouTube subscribers: 5,452 for swankivy (10 new), 677 for JulieSondra (lost 1), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 199 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change), 68 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 842 for swankivy (lost 2), 3,876 for JulieSondra (6 new). Facebook: 299 friends for swankivy (no change), 644 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 82 followers for Negative One (lost 1), 248 likes for So You Write (no change), 98 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,436 (lost 1). Instagram followers: 280 (lost 3). Threads followers: 62 (just started using this account).

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