Saturday, September 14, 2024

Personal Digest Saturday: September 7 – September 13

Life news this week:

  • Saturday I wore contacts again for the first time in a while and seemed to do OK. Worked on my mooncakes to bring as a treat for my band practice! Sent little pictures of the mooncake-making to the band, haha. Then I worked on a Polo for Meghan but while I was doing it lightning struck right near my house and destroyed the internet, so I had to turn off the video. I had no internet for the rest of the night and the troubleshooting led me to booking a tech coming to the house the next day. I used a mobile hotspot on my phone to get my blogging done. The lightning strike also blew out one of the outlets in the kitchen--so my stove stopped working. Glad I got my baking done early!

  • Sunday Dad picked me up for band practice. It was a pretty good practice, especially considering we mostly worked on songs that were newer or less mastered. We took a break for pizza and mooncakes, and Dad took me home. I had to get home a little earlier than usual because I had an appointment with the tech. He showed up on time and he said the entire line outside had no signal, and had to replace it (like, climbing a pole and drilling a new setup into the side of the house and everything). And then it turned out both my modem and my router had been fried and I needed new ones of both. The whole process took more than two hours. Poor tech guy! But he got my stuff working. I still did laundry and took out the trash. Unfortunately my eye started acting up again and I had to go back to glasses. I also got to see a butterfly freshly out of its pupa in my backyard!

  • Monday I still hadn't gotten anything back from the pharmacy about an eyedrop I'm supposed to use, so I called and followed up and I guess there was a bunch of miscommunication because nobody really knew why the prescription wasn't filled three days after I went to the doctor. I ended up getting the ball rolling again and picking up some eyedrops after work. (And found a bunch of vitamins on sale at Walgreens!) Work mostly involved bothering people to give me paper, updating, looking for contact addresses for stuff, and research. Did some research and made some decisions about my Halloween costume. Made a Bingo card for the upcoming debate.

  • Tuesday involved meetings and basic organizing of stuff. After work I kinda did nothing for a while until it was time for the debate. I had a fun bingo card for people to play along but didn't know it had a low limit for players so not all my friends got in. Oh well! It was fun but I did not get bingo. The debate was unbelievable for a couple reasons but it was a lot more satisfying to watch than the previous one. Still having eye issues.

  • Wednesday I tried wearing contacts again and my eye was unhappy by the end of the day. Had a meeting at work and helped my boss with stuff. Did some data entry and research. Jeaux took me to Noble Crust for dinner and we grocery shopped, watched Colbert, took a walk, and watched the last two episodes of Umbrella Academy. We also made some plans for our upcoming New York trip.

  • Thursday I had several meetings and did some data entry. Wrote my comic, did some Polos, and revisited an old recording I'd made from the last time I spent a day with Mom--because this day would have been her 70th birthday. Chatted with my sisters a bit. Went to game night with friends and then drew some more while listening to news. Sent some documents to my probate lawyer for when the estate will be closed.

  • Friday I did reports and sent out reminders for stuff. Did some Polo recordings and read old stuff. Got my walking, reading, and comic-drawing in. Eye seems to be improving but I'm not done with the eyedrops yet.

Health Plan Update:

  • Weight stuff: Maybe a little plateau this time. My high is lower but my low is (just barely) higher. I think I just had a really low day last week because of the day I didn't eat much due to the Covid shot recovery. Hopefully I will legit get down there and keep going as I continue my efforts. I recorded a high of 116.2 and a low of 115.6.
  • Nutrition stuff: The balance is pretty good but I find that on the days I eat avocados I don't seem to balance all that "good" fat out with enough carbohydrates or protein. Need to work on that more. A couple days this week I didn't get my third serving of veggies/fruits in because I was tired and not hungry and went to bed early. I am still regularly taking vitamins.
  • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Wednesday at 10,040 steps, and my high day was Monday at 10,635 steps.
Books Read: 

  • Finished Reading: Down Girl by Kate Manne. Five-star review.

  • Currently Reading: The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik. I'm on page 132.
    New singing performances:


    Stuff drawn:

    My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:


    #1009: adele #248: being in the world.

    Videos Made: 

    New photos:


    A butterfly that came out of its pupa after going through metamorphosis on my asparagus fern!

    Social media counts:

    YouTube subscribers: 5,454 for swankivy (lost 1), 675 for JulieSondra (no change), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 197 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change), 67 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 834 for swankivy (no change), 3,900 for JulieSondra (14 new). Facebook: 296 friends for swankivy (no change), 641 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 81 followers for Negative One (no change), 254 followers for So You Write (no change), 99 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,434 (lost 1). Instagram followers: 277 (lost 2). Threads followers: 70 (lost 2).

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