Saturday, October 24, 2020

Personal Digest Saturday: October 17 – October 23

Life news this week:

  • Saturday I did some apple bread baking using the apples Mom gave me. Also made some videos for my sister. I didn't get around to my blogging because Mom finally did come over (2 hours later than expected, but she came!). We hung out, ate bread, video chatted with my sister and nephew, and watched some karaoke videos. I fell asleep early.

  • Sunday was an okay day--did some videos for my sister again and finally wrapped up my blogging. Did some laundry and updated merch lists. I drank questionable soda from a damaged can and opened some packages from stuff I ordered online.

  • Monday I woke up after a bad sleep. I took a shower to get un-grimy and felt crappy most of the day. Decided it was probably the bad soda when I got a headache and a tummy ache that just kept getting worse. I threw up after work and started to feel better after. I was pretty worn out and just had 7UP for dinner but I was able to play with my friends in online games. I went to bed early.

  • Tuesday I was still recovering and was able to eat small, tame meals. I busted out some brochure edits at work and did more Polos for my sister. We have good chats and they're such a nice break. I did some database stuff and worked on some of my long communications online. Scheduled a YouTube event for next week so I can participate in Ace Awareness Week! Did a bunch of edits on a tech proposal that was to go out the next day. After work I played games with my sisters, did karaoke, and wore purple lipstick for no real reason.

  • Wednesday I got up early to do troubleshooting with our tech proposal. Got everything together and turned in about half an hour before it was due. Now we just hope they pick us! I also took some walks and did some house cleanup before Jeaux came over after work. We decided to make lazy food and bought frozen dinners. I had a healthy pasta and some zucchini patties, and he had a mac and cheese thing. We watched some funny political humor and one episode of Umbrella Academy. I also got a feature on the Amino for some terminology analysis in Steven Universe.

  • Thursday I spent the morning on data entry and the afternoon on resume edits and document downloads and utility coordination. I took a walk, checked my bike to make sure it was still okay, wrote my storyboard for my webcomic, and talked to Victor on the phone while drawing. He fell asleep after a couple hours.

  • Friday was another doctor day. I checked in at work and then rode my bike to my appointment. My bloodwork has been analyzed and I was "the healthiest person they've seen all week" according to one staff person. :) They just want me to get more Vitamin D and keep an eye on my thyroid function because it's a little low? Then they checked me out and I have one more appointment in radiology to go to. Yay. When I got back I did some proposal work, some project management reports, and some data entry. After work I finished my comic and prepared my stuff for my podcast the next day.
New Reviews of My Book:

Food Plan Update:

  • Since I had a bout with food poisoning early in the week, my stats dipped a bit and recovered. So now I'm about where I was last week--I think I am half a pound down actually. I started having problems with my pedometer since they changed the system, and so I put in a different one and I don't know how accurate it is. I've had a low appetite since the Monday hwarfing but I'm trying to keep decent nutrition in my body. And better hydration. Things seem to still be going really well and I'm happy with everything. The support information on the app I'm using seems to be trying really hard to push independence from schedules and tracking--they're training you to eat what you need and move how you want to, and make it more intuitive. It's pretty great.

Reading progress:

  • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.
    New singing performances:

    This week's karaoke song is "One More Chance" by Madonna.

    Stuff Drawn:

    Webcomic Negative One Issue 0806: "Being Otherwise."

    New videos: 

    None, but you can sign up to be reminded of my Ace Event on Tuesday next week! I'm going to talk about nonfiction books that cover asexuality and then talk about whatever.

    New photos:

    Perfect apple muffin!
    All my SU books!

    Purple Lipstick!

    Social Media Counts:

    YouTube subscribers: 5,290 for swankivy (lost 6), 669 for JulieSondra (1 new), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 105 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change). Twitter followers: 942 for swankivy (no change), 1,356 for JulieSondra (no change). Facebook: 298 friends for swankivy (no change), 630 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 70 likes for Negative One (1 new), 220 likes for So You Write (no change), 84 likes for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,480 (no change). Instagram followers: 204 (lost 2).

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