Monday, May 13, 2024

Personal Digest Saturday (but posted on Monday!): May 4 – May 10

Late post because I'm catching up after vacation!

Life news this week:

  • Saturday I got a lot done but didn't pack my suitcases for my trip yet. Got my next comic ready to go (even though it wouldn't be due until the coming Friday), practiced some music, did my blogging, and wrote some mails. Paid a bill, got some stuff together for packing, and stressed over not getting enough done.

  • Sunday went really well. Had crappy sleep, though. Edited a letter and a document for my boss and did some laundry and finished my packing. Got my karaoke done, watered my plants, transferred some files to my laptop, did a Polo, and checked in with my boss about whether there was anything else to do before getting on a plane the next day. But there wasn't anything else! Went to bed early.

  • Monday I got up super early after a crappy sleep. Barely had time to eat yogurt and do my hair. Took a Lyft to the airport and made it through a long security line to walk up to my gate just when my group was boarding. That's a pretty close call. Had to drink black coffee on the plane for reasons, but it wasn't too bad. Had to transfer in Nashville and arrived in Charlotte, where my sister Lindsay came to pick me up because she is a sweetie. We went to the rented house, managed to get in, and told my dad and Connie that the owner was letting us in a couple hours early. Then Lindsay and I ate at a restaurant called Dish and went grocery shopping. We just hung out at the house until it was time to go back to the airport to get our sister Patricia, which we did (and ran into some police on the way back--witnessed part of some kind of arrest, but managed to get by). We hung out and got ready for bed.

  • Tuesday I woke up early despite no alarms set. Made coffee for everyone and we ate bagels and muffins. Lindsay and Mike wandered over and joined us. We didn't do anything but gab for a while and Patricia braided my hair. We went to Lindsay's house for the first time and hung out with her doggie Toki. My sisters played with bunnies too. I loved her cute little house. We watched some silly TV and I tried to take a snooze but couldn't quite fall asleep. Dad and Connie and I went back to the house while Patricia and Lindsay went shopping for a few more things. I made a pasta bake, Texas Toast, and a salad for the fam. We ate and hung out more after. I sent Meghan a Polo while walking around in the back yard. Patricia made some babka. In the wee hours, Patricia and I sat in the game room both with our laptops and did some work stuff (she did a PTA fundraiser and I did some check-ins with work).

  • Wednesday I got up early but Connie had beaten me to the land of wakefulness. We hung out drinking coffee. Then we made breakfast--I made a quiche, Patricia finished her babka, and Lindsay came over and made waffles. Excellent breakfast. Dad played the piano a bit and I did a few more work things. We all went uptown to wander around and got some ice cream. We decided to leave when we heard about bad weather on the way and just made it home before the storm hit. I made some ranch dip and a snack tray for us to nibble while we waited for Lindsay to get off work. We found out our mother's house has now gone on the market, so we looked at the listing. Lindsay wandered over and we ate burgers (some were real, some were veggie). We brainstormed some quiz questions to try to help Lindsay with a trivia night thing she was doing. I got super sleepy and went to bed.

  • Thursday I got up, got ready for the day, and gave my sister silly gifts because it was her birthday. Lindsay came by with Mike and we had some food. Then we surprised my dad with his Foo Fighters tickets. He was pretty shocked and disbelieving! Then excited! It was fun to reveal what we'd been planning for months. We played Lindsay's trivia game and chilled a bit thinking up more questions. Then no one could decide where to eat before the concert so we made more food at the house. We then headed out to the show and got to deal with fun in the parking lot. Then went to the arena and found our seats. We came in as the opening act was finishing up. My sister and Dad went to get souvenir t-shirts and they got me one! I hadn't been expecting to get a shirt. Then the main act came on and we all enjoyed the show, though Lindsay and Mike left early since she wasn't feeling good. We finished out the night SLOWLY getting out of the parking lot, ate some snacks before bed, and crashed.

  • Friday I finally slept in one day! I got up after everyone else and coffee was already made. Shock! I had a bagel and some yogurt and strawberries. We screwed around and I posted my comic and checked in at work. Then we went to Lindsay's house again and played with bunnies and brought her all the stuff we had borrowed from her house during our stay (and some food we wouldn't be able to eat). Lindsay recommended the Char Bar so we went there for a late lunch and then drove Patricia to the airport. I wasn't leaving that day so I went back to the house with Dad and Connie. I took a walk in the back yard again and sent another Polo to Meg. Then he started practicing piano so I went in and sang with him and we picked some songs we think we can do together. Then it was just packing up and talking about music.

New Reviews:

Health Plan Update:

  • Weight stuff: Since I was on vacation, I don't really know. In the early part of the week before I left, I had a high of 122.1 and a low of 121.3.
  • Nutrition stuff: Could have been better, but since I was on vacation, I was definitely enjoying the crowd-pleasing food! Still plenty of salad and fruit around, but I was not looking at the balance much this week. I am still regularly taking vitamins.
  • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week even though I was on vacation. My low day was Tuesday at 10,002 steps, and my high day was Thursday at 13,672 steps.

Books Read: 

  • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

  • Currently Reading: Magic For Beginners by Kelly Link. I'm on page 267.
    New singing performances:

    This week's karaoke song is "A Whiter Shade of Pale" by Procol Harum.

    Stuff drawn:

    My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:

    Videos Made: 


    New photos:

    There is a full Charlotte 2024 Album, but here are some highlights:

    My plane trip (where I have plenty of leg room)

    My dad in the rental house

    Patricia enjoying the comfy chair

    Hanging out at breakfast

    Patricia braiding my hair

    Lindsay with her doggie Toki

    Family enjoying the pasta bake

    Me in the photo while enjoying the pasta bake

    Me with honeysuckle

    Patricia preparing babka

    Lindsay making waffles

    Family breakfast of quiche and waffles

    Patricia by waterfalls

    Got ice cream at the Golden Cow in uptown Charlotte

    Patricia slicing babka

    Dad excited to go to Foo Fighters

    Siblings at Foo Fighters

    Me with Dad and Connie at Foo Fighters

    Enjoying the Foo Fighters show:

    Lindsay giving her doggie a treat/pill

    Babiest of bunnies, with Patricia's feet

    Patricia with sweet tea

    Social media counts:

    YouTube subscribers: 5,433 for swankivy (lost 2), 677 for JulieSondra (no change), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 199 for Not-So-Giant Women (1 new), 68 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 844 for swankivy (1 new), 3,861 for JulieSondra (2 new). Facebook: 299 friends for swankivy (no change), 644 likes for JulieSondra (lost 1), 83 followers for Negative One (1 new), 247 likes for So You Write (no change), 98 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,439 (no change). Instagram followers: 283 (lost 2).

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