Saturday, June 3, 2023

Personal Digest Saturday: May 27 – June 2

Life news this week:

  • Saturday I got some nice sleep! It's good that some of my weekends have been restful lately. Spent the day updating my blog, taking walks while reading, talking on Reddit, reading through some more recent chapters of my in-progress book, and talking to Jeaux on the phone. I took some updated pictures of comics and practiced ukulele.

  • Sunday I didn't have to take the trash out because Monday was a holiday and there would be no pickup. Worked on my book, did some reading, did laundry, took some photos of socks, took a nap, and made a karaoke recording.

  • Monday I had the day off work. I slept late, made a video for my asexuality channel about a fellow who joked about "asexual reproduction" and then got really aggressive when I told him why the joke wasn't funny, planned and sketched my So You Write comic, practiced ukulele, played games online with my friends, and worked on Chapter 36 in my book.

  • Tuesday was a pretty low-key first day back to work after a holiday and I only had one letter to read and get out. Just did some data entry and teaming arrangements otherwise. Took a nap, put away laundry while talking to my sister, talked to my lawn guy Tony, practiced ukulele, and made some pumpkin donuts.

  • Wednesday I got up late and spent the day looking up research for upcoming projects. I finished drawing So You Write and posted it. Went to Vallarta's with Jeaux and talked with him a lot about music.

  • Thursday brought the first of June. Happy Pride month! I outlined a proposal at work and did some crash analysis, and then a little more project research. After work, wrote a storyboard, texted with Yasmin and Ben, made a Polo for my sister, and took some photos of shirts. Updated my online collections where applicable.

  • Friday there was an internet outage at work that delayed me by about an hour. Then I got to do timesheets and reports. Had an annoying argument online where someone kept being super petty about something I debunked, demanding I go into details while insinuating that I wouldn't have any, and when I dumped what they asked for all over them, they blocked me. Ah, internet. After a nap, I drew my comic and posted it, posted some silly collection pictures, and finished my walking.

Interviews, Articles, Mentions:

New Reviews:

  • Heidi gave The Invisible Orientation a four-star review on Goodreads.
  • Arayr gave The Invisible Orientation a two-star review on Goodreads (in French). Mainly the low review seems to be because the person would have preferred a book with personal perspectives for people who already know they're asexual instead of what the book was.

Health Plan Update:

  • Weight stuff: Had some kind of disordered eating this week--got busy with things and didn't eat, then ate really late and overcompensated. It probably wasn't very helpful for my goals. My high is higher and my low is lower than last week. Weird. High weight: 122.0 Low weight: 119.5.
  • Nutrition stuff: Too much salt, not enough protein this week, and not enough consistently eaten vegetables. We all have weeks like this. Still consistently taking the vitamins.
  • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Monday at 10,024 steps, and my high day was Saturday at 12,749 steps.

Books Read: 

    New singing performances:

    This week's karaoke song is "Russians" by Sting.

    Stuff drawn:

    Webcomic So You Write Issue 144 "Flowing." 

    Webcomic Negative One Issue 0942 "Personal Experience." 

    Videos Made:

    Letters to an Asexual #103 is out. This video features a man who claimed "asexual" is only for reproduction and explained what terms he believed we should use instead, to avoid confusion. When I responded comprehensively about why that isn't appropriate, he told me I was rude and also that I must have been homeschooled, didn't have cable TV growing up, and live with my mother. (???)

    New photos:

    Pumpkin donuts

    Social Media Counts: 

    YouTube subscribers: 5,432 for swankivy (1 new), 679 for JulieSondra (1 new), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 171 for Not-So-Giant Women (lost 1), 71 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 869 for swankivy (1 new), 3,846 for JulieSondra (2 new). Facebook: 295 friends for swankivy (no change), 643 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 241 likes for So You Write (no change), 95 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,439 (1 new). Instagram followers: 258 (2 new).

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