Sunday, November 21, 2021

Personal Digest Saturday (but posted on Sunday!): November 13 – November 19

Life news this week:

  • Saturday I got some texts from my boss asking me to help with some stuff so I ended up doing a little work. Other than that Mom was supposed to come by but she postponed it to the next day. I did my blogging and decided to begin the Merchstravaganza--I rearranged a bunch of furniture to set up for my Steven Universe display and I got nice and sweaty doing it. I also did an interview about asexuality with a student paper, and enjoyed my refrigerated food.

  • Sunday I got up super late. I was supposed to hang out with Mom and she was originally going to make a quiche but she kept texting to say she had fallen asleep. That happened three times and she never came to get me and then it got too late so we didn't hang out. I spent the day on my usual Sunday chores--laundry and trash, plus recording Polos and doing karaoke. I also got started working on my SU merch display!

  • Monday was busy with a letter and a proposal coming up. I grabbed a short nap after work and did some walking, and then I played games with my friends. Then I went back to setting up the merch display. I had some drama with toys getting knocked over and going missing. It took me so long to find them! But I did.

  • Tuesday I was pretty busy trying to get a proposal together but then my boss got information that suggested we shouldn't submit the proposal so we stopped working on it. Then I went outside to talk to Tony because he was trimming some bushes on a day he usually isn't there. After work I just worked on my merch display some more and got some pictures.

  • Wednesday I had to deal with some qualifications updates at work, so that took most of the day. My friend Victor unfortunately got an eviction notice and since he hadn't prepared for that ended up in last-minute mode and asked to live with me. I had to say no. I took more pictures of the collection and went grocery shopping with Jeaux, and we got Five Guys food and watched Colbert and took a walk. After he left I put my wall hangings back up while talking to my sister.

  • Thursday was a pretty normal work day with my reports and writing my storyboard. Put away more of my collection stuff and talked to Mom on the phone. Then I had to deal with some exhausting drama with Victor because he had thought Jeaux was going to help him move his stuff into storage, but there was a miscommunication and Jeaux had not agreed, so I got involved and offered to help him get a professional packing and moving company to help. Packing up somebody's house in one day isn't a job for an unpaid person or a layperson, so yeah. We talked mostly about his plans and figured some stuff out and he managed to book the movers. Honestly I was just frustrated that I kept having to figure stuff out for him on what he should do.

  • Friday was a normal work day, which for me involves some timesheet stuff and making reports and preparing some documents for Monday. There was some drama toward the end of the day with Victor and the movers, which I paid for, and after all that I kinda snapped when he texted and asked me to pay for something else. Not gonna talk about it in detail online of course but I just really have been feeling for a while like his problems always become my problems (and that I end up fixing them when they're huge because he didn't fix them when they were small). After all that stuff I finished my comic and went to bed.

Interviews, Articles, Mentions:

  • None that I'll link. I saw one thing that made a reference to my book but the entire tone of the article was condescending, pretentious, and constantly implied that aspects of asexuality don't make any sense (while trying really, really hard to maintain what they clearly thought was a neutral and unbiased tone), and the only place they actually attributed any content to me, they straight up misrepresented what I said. So I'll complain about it here instead of linking, haha.
Health Plan Update:

  • Weight stuff: Well, I haven't been super vigilant about my eating this week because I was stressed and eating irregularly in terms of time as well as type of food, but except for some hummus incidents, I did okay. High weight: 115.7. Low weight: 114.6.
  • Nutrition stuff: The snacks were a little high because of all the crackers and hummus I ate, but I was able to eat up a decent amount of vegetables, including frozen vegetables or fresh vegetables frequently throughout the week! I finished my spinach off in smoothies and got more, and consumed a lot of green stuff as well as hitting targets with my protein intake and low caffeine. (I accidentally opened two sodas at once one day and had to drink them both, but other than that I was keeping to my one caffeinated soda per day and one caffeinated coffee a day regimen.) My water intake could be better.
  • Activity stuff: I made my walking goal every day this week except Friday. My low day was Friday at 7,411 steps, and my high day was Thursday at 21,553 steps. (Wednesday was almost as high at 21,102. I pace a lot when I'm nervous and spending a lot of time on the phone.)
Books Read:
  • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

    New singing performances:

    This week's karaoke song is "Torn" by Natalie Imbruglia.

    Stuff drawn:

    Stuff drawn:

    Webcomic Negative One Issue 0862: "Spared." 

    New videos:


    New photos:

    Steven Universe Collection!

    There were a lot of pictures taken but you can just click through to the post to see them all if you're actually interested in this.

    Social Media Counts: 

    YouTube subscribers: 5,325 for swankivy (1 new), 672 for JulieSondra (no change), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 133 for Not-So-Giant Women (lost 1). Twitter followers: 922 for swankivy (lost 2), 2,320 for JulieSondra (15 new). Facebook: 298 friends for swankivy (no change), 634 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 80 followers for Negative One (no change), 231 likes for So You Write (no change), 85 likes for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,460 (3 new). Instagram followers: 243 (1 new).

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