Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wednesday Factoid: Not Obsessed

Today's Wednesday Factoid is: What is something other people think you're obsessed with, but you're not?

That's easy! Cleaning!

I literally hardly ever clean my house. Actually I moved into the house I'm in in September 2017 and there are several rooms I have literally never vacuumed. I have done one deep-clean since I moved in but I only got as far as the living room and entranceway. 

The reason people THINK I'm a clean freak is that I am very organized. Everything has a place so things aren't always lying around. They aren't CLEAN--they're actually pretty dusty and haven't been cleaned in ages, but my home gives the appearance of being clean because things are straight and organized.

I also do keep up with "everyday" cleaning--as in, I don't leave dishes around, I don't throw crap in the floor, I wash dishes and laundry regularly, I clean the bathrooms and wipe down the kitchen counters whenever I've made any mess. I clean things up if I mess them up. 

There's also the fact that I'm just plain not a messy person. I don't leave a lot of crumbs or spills around, don't really get things dirty, don't MAKE a lot of messes to clean. If I had kids, roommates, or pets, it would be way less manageable.

The exception is definitely hair.

My hair is kind of everywhere.

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