Saturday, June 27, 2015

Personal Digest Saturday: June 20 – June 26

Life news this week: 
  • So! Saturday and Sunday I spent at the asexuality conference! I wrote a more detailed Conference Wrap-Up elsewhere on the blog if you want a bunch of details, and I actually just posted a video sum-up too. Highlights included making a presentation about handling asexuality detractors and hanging out with new and old pals, and getting to sign copies of my book for people. :D
  • An interview with me was published in A Plus. I gave them the quotes last week.
  • Tuesday was my first day back to work. My company's president was there and we had this huge interview with a potential client. I had a lot of clean-up to do but I did it all and was really satisfied with how fast I caught up. Also, it turned out we won what we interviewed for, so all that effort last week was not wasted! YESSSS!
  • Sadly, though, in not-winning news, the results of the last pending book award I was waiting for are out, and I found out I did not get a medal or honorable mention in the Foreword Reviews INDIEFAB Book of the Year competition. So I just get to be listed as a finalist for that.
  • Mommy came over briefly and gave me Chinese food on Tuesday and tried to get me to fix her tablet but it didn't happen because it is a Windows 8 tablet and I don't think I can teach her to use it. I ordered her another one. :)
  • Jeaux Day involved food at Chili's and hanging out at his house watching AGT which continues to be kind of disappointing. We also spent much of the night talking about cartoons. It's nice and kind of a relief to be around somebody who is almost as obsessive as I am. Heeeheeeeeeeeeee.
  • On Friday my office ordered pizza and also same-sex marriage was basically legalized and wow and I made a video about the conference and picked my free copy winners for my book. :)
New reviews of my book:

Places featured:
 Reading progress:

New singing performances:

Here I'm singing "That's How You Know" from Enchanted. A guy on SingSnap asked me to do the female part of this duet, so the embedded video below is just my part. If you want to hear how he completed the duet with me, his video is here, but it's just sound.

New drawings:

Webcomic Negative One Issue 0528: "Reading Time."

Webcomic So You Write Issue 49: "Research."

New videos:

Asexuality Conference 2015: winners, updates, news, and more!
New photos:  

Me behind the Asexual Outreach banner, doing my table.
My workshop at the Toronto conference, where I discussed how to handle detractors.
Me with my group of pals at the Office Pub after the first day of the ace conference.
I got some coffee from Tim Horton's, which is apparently a must while in Canada.
Signing books and tabling at the asexuality conference. I signed a bunch of books and held a drawing to win a copy.
At the asexuality conference, some of us took a group photo! There were lots of people who didn't want to be in the photo or weren't there, though.
Sebastian and me at the Insomnia restaurant. They picked a very cool place to eat!

Social media counts: YouTube subscribers: 4,729 for swankivy (22 new this week), 483 for JulieSondra (5 new). Twitter followers: 659 for swankivy (1 new), 959 for JulieSondra (5 new). Facebook: 279 friends (1 new--actually two because I friended Katah and Sara, but someone must've defriended me) and 169 followers (no change) for swankivy, 579 likes for JulieSondra (9 new), 54 likes for Negative One (no change), 107 likes for So You Write (2 new). Tumblr followers: 2053 (33 new).

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