Friday, October 18, 2013

Writing conferences?

According to my blog stats this is my 100th post. Who knew?

So I have a question for y'all. I want to go to a writing conference someday, and I'd love to hear from anyone who knows the ropes--whether from experience or from research--what conferences they'd recommend!

Stuff to consider:

  1. I'm primarily a science fiction and fantasy author, and I write both YA and adult. I might be more inclined to go to a conference that's SF/F-oriented, but that's not necessary.

  2. I'm not particularly fannish, nor am I celebrity-obsessed. In other words, if Big Name authors are in attendance, I'd be super excited to be able to see their panels if I admire their work, but I will not be interested in getting stuff signed or whatever.

  3. I have representation already, so conferences that are super great for pitching or query-workshopping are not of interest to me.

  4. I'm not sure what exactly even goes on at conferences--besides lots of panels, workshops, and networking--but what I'm most interested in is meeting other writers and seeing panels or talks about writing technique and possibly author promotion presentations.

  5. Ideally, I will be going to my first conference with my critique partner Jay--we've both talked about wanting to go to one, but we're both conference virgins--and while we're both introverts, he's less outgoing and more easily frazzled by extraneous input, so a conference that isn't Super Overwhelming would probably be best.

  6. The only professional writing society I'm a member of is SCBWI. If I have to sign up or join something to be able to go to a certain con, I'm willing as long as it's not too expensive.

  7. My passport just expired this year so I'd prefer to go to a conference in the US.

  8. I'm not really interested in workshops that involve bringing my own material and having it edited, critiqued, or created as part of an activity. I prefer doing that within my own network.

  9. I do like getting ARCs and swag and stuff. :)

So far I have Elizabeth Briggs's Con Tips from a Con Junkie to help me out in the event that I get to go to one, and I sometimes look at the Shaw Guides Writers Conferences & Writing Workshops site, but I really want some personal experience and recommendations!

Thanks in advance to anyone who weighs in.

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