Saturday, July 30, 2022

Personal Digest Saturday: July 23 – July 29

Life news this week:

  • Saturday I got up a little late, worked on my blogging, then cleaned up my kitchen a little before getting setup for podcast recording. Unfortunately Daria had to surprise cancel because a friend's baby was being born so I spent the night finishing up the cleaning and did some laundry. I also got to talk to Jeaux about booking our New York City trip--we're going in early October!

  • Sunday I got up late, had breakfast, and tried out this cleaning product my mom gave me to try to get stains off my outdoor table's covering. It worked really well but unfortunately my table cover was damaged and cracked when I scrubbed it. I went ahead and used the same product on the chair covers and swept the porch down. And then I just cleaned up the remaining rooms to get ready to have houseguests--I like my house to be comfy and figured it could use a once-over. Then in the evening I checked in at work and was able to edit three letters that were going to be due the next day.

  • Monday was busy at work--multiple practices for our interview, a proposal package due, and turning in our three letters. The new table cover I ordered for my table didn't fit so the table got rained on. Aw! I did a little dusting and then played games with my friends. I was tired so I took a short nap before my sister and nephew arrived at close to 2 AM. I gave them a short intro to what they would need to know staying with me because I was probably going to leave in the morning before they woke up, and then we all went to bed.

  • Tuesday I had trouble sleeping because I was nervous I would wake up late and miss my Lyft, but I didn't. I got up, had coffee, and got dressed up for the interview. Then I met my team at IHOP, drove with my team to DeLand, had lunch at a Mexican restaurant, and went to the client office to be interviewed. I thought the interview went well and I hope we win that job. I got a little ill from motion sickness when we were coming back but it wasn't too bad--just weird, that never happens to me. When I got home my nephew and sister were hanging out with my mom at my house. I watched my nephew while my sister ran my mom home--she was borrowing her car. We ate some pasta and enjoyed our food, and Ash even had dessert. We watched him do jumping tricks in the living room. Then we ended up being inspired by my new Steven Universe jacket arriving in the mail to watch some episodes of the show, and my sis and nephew fell in love with it! Yay!

  • Wednesday I went to work (at home) and had some quiet time going through e-mail and going to meetings. I got to chat with my sister in the morning over coffee, and then she picked up Mom and groceries while Ash enjoyed games and reading. They brought home cool donuts from an allergen-free bakery. I finished up some utility reviews in time to go to the beach with my family! Unexpected. My sister's friend Amber's mom picked us up and took us out there. Some of her pals (including Amber) were there and we had a little meal and then went out to the water. (I took Ash in early while waiting for my sister because he was hot and excited about swimming.) I didn't spend much time in the water after that and just took some walks by myself and caught up on Polos with Meghan. Then we went home and they wanted to watch more cartoons! We got all the way to episode 16.

  • Thursday I got to have coffee and breakfast with my sister again. This was a slower day at work so I was able to check in with them more while they got their morning started. I sent out some utility reminders and organized some utility stuff while Patricia and Ash were out meeting up with Amber again and swimming in her mom's pool. When they got back after my work we hung out and then met with my dad for dinner at Joe's Diner. It was really hot and we seem to have melted our kid. At my place we hung out a bit looking at old photos, and then after they left we watched more SU episodes from 17 to 28.

  • Friday I did some drawing in the morning and completed my upcoming project reports and some utility contact corrections. I had planned a half day for this day so when I was done we packed up and went to Jeaux's apartment to hang out at the pool. We swam for some time, played Frisbee and floated on noodles, and then we went to lunch at the Naked Farmer. We ate at an outdoor table and then went back--this time trying out a different pool. (Jeaux's building has 4 pools.) We stayed a while longer and I got some steps in walking around the pool and talking to Jeaux. Then we left, picking up Mom on the way home because she wanted to give us a pie she made. When we got back Patricia and I took turns with bathing and working on the dinner--I started it, she finished it. We had pasta, tofu, mushrooms, and zucchini. Then we tried Mom's pie, which was pretty good. Patricia took Mom home and Ash and I played video games on my phone, and then when P came back we watched more SU (from 29 to 33). Way more than halfway through the first season!

New Reviews:

Health Plan Update:

  • Weight stuff: A pretty weird fluctuation because I'm eating unusual stuff at unusual times. High weight: 117.6. Low weight: 115.3.
  • Nutrition stuff: Have been eating kind of a lot of junk and/or not-nutritionally-balanced stuff since I'm hanging out with my family. Still have managed to get a spinach smoothie in and some veggies here and there, but I have eaten a ton of treats. Vitamins have been consistent!
  • Activity stuff: I have missed my walking goal several times this week because of hanging out with my family or spending a lot of time in a car. Oh well. My low day was Tuesday at 4,872 steps, and my high day was Sunday at 12,514 steps.
Books Read: 

  • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

  • Currently reading: Dirty Job by Christopher Moore. I'm on page 292.

    New singing performances:

    This week's karaoke song is "Mammal" by They Might Be Giants.

    Stuff drawn:

    Webcomic Negative One Issue 0898: "Mean Little Leader." 

    Videos Made:


    New photos:

    My interview outfit

    Ash on the floor

    Ash's long jump


    Gulf swimmers

    Selfie from shore

    Hole Ash dug

    Playing in sand

    Ash reading my nerdy comics

    Tire swing!

    Tire swing!

    "Steven style!"

    Perfect face plant

    Raspberry Monster

    Eating at Joe's Diner!

    It's a little hot

    At the Naked Farmer!

    Jeaux and Ash playing Frisbee

    Social Media Counts: 

    YouTube subscribers: 5,427 for swankivy (lost 1), 678 for JulieSondra (lost 1), 18 for v & V Vids (no change), 144 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change). Twitter followers: 912 for swankivy (lost 3), 3,338 for JulieSondra (13 new). Facebook: 294 friends for swankivy (lost 1, don't know who dropped me), 638 likes for JulieSondra (lost 1), 81 followers for Negative One (no change), 236 likes for So You Write (no change), 90 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,449 (1 new). Instagram followers: 245 (no change).

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