Saturday, August 5, 2023

Personal Digest Saturday: July 29 – August 4

Life news this week:

  • Saturday I played some Jackbox games with my family in the morning and made banana bread with my sister later. They went out to hang out with some of P's friends for a grilling adventure and I stayed home. Did some chores and a karaoke song and blogging. When they came home we watched some more Steven Universe together ("Your Mother and Mine" through "A Single Pale Rose"), and discussed the show's Big Episode a bit before bed.

  • Sunday I hung out with my sis in the morning having coffee and breakfast, and then I had to finish packing for our trip to Sarasota. P made me a grilled cheese sandwich before we left! Love it. We drove out to Sarasota and had boba with my dad before heading to his house for swimming and hanging out. I got to chat with Yusuke a little and walked around the house during a break listening to Meggie's Polos. Later we went out to dinner at Madfish Grill, came back to play games, and stayed the night.

  • Monday I had the day off at work. Dad made almond flour banana pancakes for us before we headed out to meet his friend Jimmy and go out on a boat. It was a small boat and there was a slight delay because of the weather (which sucked since it was hot), but we had a good time once out on the water. We rode around a while, got off to swim at one point, and later Yusuke even did a little fishing with Jimmy. (He caught a small grouper and threw it back.) When we got back I couldn't find anything I wanted at the sandwich place so I ate some leftover food. We then went back home to my place and had a stir-fry dinner, followed by games with friends (Ash just hung out and didn't play, but P did!) and we even managed to watch Steven Universe after (from "Now We're Only Falling Apart" to "Reunited"). Very frustrating place to stop, haha.

  • Tuesday was a work day and it was fine--got a bunch of communication squared away, data entry almost done, and got some downloads completed for the records. My sister and her husband did some errands while I stayed with my nephew and he amused himself (and kept playing Steven Universe music in the other room, which I enjoy of course). They came back with some dry ice and played with it in the bathtub while I made dinner in celebration of their anniversary. I made some vegan scalloped potatoes and my sister roasted some chickpeas to toss into a salad, which we had with Hawaiian rolls. Yum. Finally we finished the OG Steven Universe ("Legs From Here to Homeworld" through "Change Your Mind"), and chatted about it, and then I washed dishes and we all went to bed.

  • Wednesday I did my usual research projects while my family went to my dad's for part of the day for swimming and hanging out. I dealt with some lawyer paperwork as the probate case is getting started and I have business. Also got a chance to chat with Tony when he came to do my lawn. After work, Jeaux took me to GrillSmith, we did a small shopping trip, and then my family came home and we watched the Steven Universe movie all together. After everyone else retired I updated my sis on the lawyer stuff.

  • Thursday began with Coffee Talk as we have been, and then I had some communications to handle at work and some document updates to handle. My sister and her husband briefly stopped at Mom's house to see if her car still starts (it does!) and picked up some toys my mom had at the house that had been for Ash. They brought home a biscuit lunch, which was delicious. I had to do more work after that. They went to an arcade that they said was very fun. Then just the grownups went out to a comedy performance and I watched Ash. We had a nice pizza night and then even got some donuts. Mostly it was just messing around with silly videos, playing card games, drawing, and looking at books. I drew a little of my comic. Then the parents returned and we got to chat a little before bed.

  • Friday morning was mostly geared toward my family getting packed. My sis did some laundry and repotted a plant for me and taught me how to water an orchid she adhered to a tree outside. They did a lot of packing up and were very thorough about cleaning up! Great houseguests. They left and hours later they arrived safely back in California. I have a lot of leftover food though. Work involved gathering some info for my boss and working on a utility project and preparing reports. I then had to finish comics and get my walking done. Everything went okay but I was tired early and went to bed.

Health Plan Update:

  • Weight stuff: Incomplete stats while my family is here again. I've been eating a lot of weird hangout food but for some reason there's been no real change all week. Which is good considering. High weight: 120.7. Low weight: 120.2.
  • Nutrition stuff: This week I had a pretty low protein situation. And a high sugar situation. It's okay once in a while but I'm looking forward to getting a more balanced situation . . . once I eat the leftover food my family left, anyway. Still consistently taking the vitamins.
  • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Friday at 10,028 steps, and my high day was Sunday at 10,666 steps.

Books Read: 

  • Finished Reading: None.

  • Currently Reading: Be Gay, Do Comics by Matt Bors. I'm on page 56.
    New singing performances:

    This week's karaoke song is "Behind Blue Eyes" by the Who.

    Stuff drawn:

    Webcomic So You Write Issue 146: "Precious Babies." 

    Webcomic Negative One Issue 0951: "A Bad Thing to Be." 

    Videos Made:


    New photos:

    We got boba together when we visited Sarasota:

    Then it was time for swimming at Dad's:

    Then some dinner adventures:

    We went off to a boat ride, but Connie didn't want to join us:

    Boat pics!

    Cooked dinner for P & Y's anniversary:

    Ash squished his bread. :)

    And I babysat so they could go out to a comedy club. We got donuts.

    Social Media Counts: 

    YouTube subscribers: 5,440 for swankivy (no change), 677 for JulieSondra (lost 1), 17 for v & V Vids (no change), 182 for Not-So-Giant Women (lost 1), 71 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 861 for swankivy (lost 1), 3,879 for JulieSondra (lost 8). Facebook: 296 friends for swankivy (no change), 646 likes for JulieSondra (lost 1), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 244 likes for So You Write (no change), 95 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,432 (lost 1). Instagram followers: 255 (no change).

    1 comment:

    1. The post covers a variety of topics, from work to personal reflections, creating a well-rounded picture of the author's life during that week. How do you decide what to include in these personal digests, and has sharing your experiences in this format helped you in any unexpected ways? Tel U
