Saturday, November 7, 2015

Personal Digest Saturday: October 31 – November 6

Life news this week: 
  • Saturday waaaaaas MY HALLOWEEN PARTY! I spent the morning making some icing for my brownies, boiling cider and adding spices, organizing the furniture to accommodate lots of guests, labeling stuff and figuring out where the food would go, and getting my costume ready. And then in the evening, well . . . I had a party!

  • Um, if you're curious about my costume, I was dressed as Sadie from Steven Universe. ;)

  • Several people came way early and I wasn't done getting ready, so I got off to a kind of floppy start. And then several people who'd said they were coming couldn't come or didn't show up, so what's new. My mom was a surprise attendee, which was cool. Two of my other friends came as Steven Universe characters too, and one of them had learned songs from the show on the ukulele and was playing them. Everyone ate my food and sat around talking about nerd things. I didn't clean anything up except the food stuff. :)
  • Sunday I ate a lot of leftovers and started writing a novel. That was pretty much the whole day. My new book is entitled Ace of Arts because it's about a homoromantic asexual teenager and she's trying to get into art school.
  • Monday I didn't do much besides update a bunch of website stuff and doodle a picture of my new main character. And it was Pitch Wars agent round time! But . . . we kinda struck out. Nobody requested my mentee's book. *sulks*
  • On Tuesday I stayed over at Mom's and she fed me veggie burgers and fries. (And we ate pumpkin confections I brought over.) There was an annoying beeping device on the wall in the room I was sleeping in so I had to figure out how to take it apart but I couldn't find a screwdriver so I murdered it with a potato peeler.
  • Wednesday morning Mom made me a really yummy breakfast and I went off to work. It was Jeaux Day and our restaurant was Five Guys. We listened to Night Vale and watched some Adventure Time episodes.
  • Thursday I took Eric out for coffee so I could interview him about art school stuff, since my new character is trying to go to art school and I wanted to talk to someone who had done that. Then I went home and read instead of writing.
  • Friday was webcomics and cartoons. I caught up on a bunch of the cartoons I watch in the background (new episodes of Adventure Time and We Bare Bears--super cute). And a bunch of people who like stuff I like are making a lot of noise about RWBY so I watched some of it. I'm afraid I don't understand the hype so far.
    New reviews of my book:
    Reading progress:

    New singing performances:

    Here I'm singing "Hello" by Poe.


    New drawings:

    New novel character Megan from Ace of Arts.

    Webcomic Negative One Issue 0547: "Our Own Little Circus."

    New videos:

    Nothing new this week!

    New photos:  

    Joy made my party twice as Steveny by coming as Steven Universe himself, complete with ukulele and magic belly button. (Yes, she can play the songs, and did so.) (Compare her with the cartoon character here!)

    It's Jeaux . . . as Tiger Millionaire. He even has a giant cell phone prop that he made himself. (Compare him with the cartoon character here!)

    It's Steven and a Steven. Tiger Millionaire. Whatever. ALL THAT MATTERS IS HOW STEVENY MY HOUSE IS.

    It's my gals! I've known Katie her entire life and Meggie for TWENTY PLUS YEARS. And she still puts up with me! Yeahhhh!

    Mommy came as a SCUBA diver.

    "Hmm . . . from here, he kinda looks like Steven."

    Donut girl selfie. What'cha think, do I make a decent Sadie?

    Eric sat in my tiny chair somehow.

    When you have a chance to take a selfie with a pirate, YOU DO IT!

    Social media counts: 

    YouTube subscribers: 5,185 for swankivy (13 new this week), 525 for JulieSondra (4 new). Twitter followers: 706 for swankivy (8 new), 1,178 for JulieSondra (lost 1). Facebook: 287 friends (no change) and 183 followers (no change) for swankivy, 621 likes for JulieSondra (1 new), 55 likes for Negative One (no change), 112 likes for So You Write (1 new). Tumblr followers: 2,223 (11 new).

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