Sunday, December 1, 2024

November Goals Update

Well, somehow it's DECEMBER! So it's time for my update on how the goals went in November.

1. Health Goals: I resolved to drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies, and walk at least 10,000 steps a day.

2. Personal Project Goals: I resolved to get digital photos sorted and collect memorable bits from Facebook for my essays; resolved to work on writing or editing at least one day a week; resolved to relearn ukulele songs I've forgotten and learn new ones, and keep creating my regular webcomic and video content.

3. Reading Goals: I resolved to read at least twice a week.

4. Relationship and Communication Goals: I resolved to document daily life stuff more, keep up with e-mails and online communication, and make time for friends and family.

5. Other Goals: I wanted to prepare and sell my mom's house, watch some TV shows I'd dropped, and not play time-wasting tames.

Progress Update:


Summary: Life stabilized somewhat after all the upheavals of last month, so I was able to go back to my more typical eating habits. I'm still really stable weight-wise (would like to lose about 3 pounds, which if I'm that close, it's pretty negligible), and more importantly, my nutrition is usually very good. I guess my main complaint, though, is the lack of variety. Unless I eat out, my meals are pretty samey, and I haven't undertaken any effort to change that. It's not one of my top priorities. This is my calendar of progress:


Summary: The photos project is underway a bit more this month--I got another album processed and plan to do more before the end of the year. It's a little disappointing that I had such high hopes for this project at the beginning of the year but I still haven't finished what I hoped to be done with by February. I definitely did more than last month with both submissions and writing; got a whole new short story written and some progress on another one, though I'm still a bit disappointed that the novel isn't done. I also haven't picked up my goals for ukulele yet. Progress:


Summary: A little better, but there are just not enough hours in the day sometimes. Basically I don't take the time to read unless I'm also doing something else (mainly walking), but when I'm trying to do as much as I do, something's gotta give, and it's okay that reading isn't a super top priority. I still want to make sure I'm reading books and reserving time for it, but it shouldn't be as prioritized as creative goals.


Summary: I completed some documentation last month and have started posting it. I'll get through what I have saved up soon. My collected e-mail boxes have a total of 4 unanswered messages. Social schedule backed way off this month, to my relief. I still got to spend some time with friends and family without it being too crowded up with time-consuming stuff. But we're going into the holidays now. . . .


Summary: November brought the final pieces of closing my mom's estate. I distributed the money left over from the sale of her house to my sisters and claimed my share, and closed the bank account. It was sad but a relief to not be constantly following up trying to get someone else to do what I needed them to do before I could do what I needed to do. The only unknown still dangling from my mother's passing is how we handle any taxes associated with the inheritance, and I'll have to ask my tax preparer next year.

Back-burner projects like my plaster pillar painting are still waiting. I put some of the unsold items from my mom's statues and candy jars up on eBay but no takers so far.

The last appointment I wanted to get for this year was making it to the dentist. I went to the dentist in November for a cleaning and found out I had a cavity between two of my back teeth, so I had to go back to have it filled. Two for one fun! Everything's fine.

Time-wasting now continues to involve searching for silly geography games to relax. I probably spend too much time doing that and reading old stuff. There's one more TV show I would like to watch, but those don't expire.

Will update again next month!

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