Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Year-End Survey 2024

Here's my year-end survey for 2024!

1. What did you do in 2024 that you'd never done before?

  • Sold a house.
  • Wrapped up the affairs of a deceased parent.
  • Learned how to use QuickBooks at work.
  • Saw the musical Jagged Little Pill.
  • Went to an Alanis Morissette concert.

  • Went to a Foo Fighters concert.

  • Celebrated Dad's 70th birthday.

  • Saw a caterpillar metamorphize into a butterfly on one of my plants in the back yard.

  • Dyed my hair (yes, I had never ever done this--just some cool blue stripes).

  • Drank black coffee (yes, I had never ever done this).

  • Cosplayed a male character at a convention.

  • Took photos for Pride month all month.
  • Saw SIX on Broadway in New York.
  • Rode an Amtrak train.
  • Went to the Cartoon Network Hotel.

  • Evacuated to another state for a hurricane.
  • Wrote in the genre of Found Fiction.
  • Broke a tooth.
  • Auditioned for and got a voice acting role.

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

Last year, these were my resolutions, and whether I kept them:
  1. Health Goals:

    1. I didn't declare a weight goal and said I would be happy with whatever happens. Result: I am.

    2. I decided to drink more water, which involved drinking water as my first beverage of the day and then drinking another glass of water in between every other beverage. Result: This was 100% successful and has made me feel very healthy and hydrated.

    3. I decided to eat more fruits and veggies, with intent to eat one meal with fruit and one meal with veggies every day. Result: I did BETTER than this by having three servings of fruits and veggies almost every day.

    4. I decided to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. Result: This was successful except for two days this year (I missed it by less than 200 steps both days).

    5. I declared an intent to go to my doctor, dentist, and dermatologist for regular appointments. Result: I did all of these.

    6. I thought about starting a sport and put it down as a maybe. Result: I did not end up doing it. The maybe became a no.

  2. Personal Project Goals:

    1. Website stuff: I meant to get all my digital photos sorted into the proper years by the end of February and get them processed onto my website by the end of March, then scan some more photos from hard copies by May and process them in by June, leaving the second half of the year to tackle writing-related website projects (partially assisted by collecting some Facebook memories). Result: I did get my digital photos sorted, but did not process them onto my website since it turns out it will be easier to do it all when they are all scanned. Some of the hard copy photos from longer ago are scanned and sorted now. Some more recent ones are not. I collected Facebook memories for the skeleton of my planned essays page, but since I didn't finish the photo project, the writing site project did not materialize.

    2. Writing stuff: I meant to work on writing projects twice a week (aiming for Tuesdays and Sundays), including submissions if I did not do any new writing. Result: I did a fair amount of submissions this year, with some that were initially promising but did not end up landing. I did not write as much as I wanted to and did NOT finish my novel--a big disappointment. But I did write four new short stories this year, which is pretty cool.

    3. Music stuff: I meant to stay in practice with our band songs and learn all the songs on a list on ukulele. Result: My band songs are fine this year but I did not work on the ukulele project.

    4. Regular content: I resolved to keep up my weekly and monthly webcomics, post a new asexuality video monthly, and sporadically post Not-So-Giant Women whenever Daria sends me content. Result: I was completely faithful to this goal. Daria just didn't give me much to process this year, but the project is not shelved.

  3. Reading Goals: I resolved to read twice a week. Result: This was a little all over the place, but I was able to adhere to it when I wasn't sidetracked by major happenings.

  4. Relationship and Communication Goals:
    1. I meant to focus on documentation of daily life more consistently. Result: I'd say I failed on this. I'd really love to do better.
    2. I meant to clear my e-mail box and social media comments regularly. Result: This worked out very well. My e-mail box is empty going into the new year.
    3. I meant to be present with friends and family and make time for them. Result: I think this is a yes.

  5. Other Goals:

    1. I intended to sell my mom's house this year. Result: I did it.
    2. I intended to watch a couple TV shows I've been putting off watching. Result: I watched some of them. Some remain.
    3. I intended to stop playing time-wasting games. Result: I completely quit the one I was addicted to. I did not play it at all the entire year. But what took its place was little geography quiz games. As a result I learned all the countries, capitals, and flags in the world. It made me think some kind of down time is important and I deserve it.
This coming year, here are my resolutions:
  1. Health Goals: I really liked having health goals this year and will make similar for next year.

    1. WEIGHT: Weight continues to be a tricky thing to talk about. I'm happy with how I handled it this past year keeping my eye on it (partially to see if I'm having any thyroid-related issues). I will be nebulously trying to stay the same or go down a few pounds, but this is all about comfort in my clothes and feeling good with my body for me.

    2. DRINKING WATER: Last year worked out GREAT so I will keep doing the alternating-between-beverages thing. I will up the ante by specifically aiming to drink four glasses a day, and will track it on my app. If I am going out I'll bring a water bottle to help with this.

    3. NUTRITION: I will continue last year's tradition to eat three servings of fruit and veggies, with one of the veggies being a green veggie. I want to keep my eye on nutritional balance and keep taking the vitamins I take.

    4. EXERCISE: I will continue to walk at least 10,000 steps a day (tracked with the app on my phone). I would like to increase the stakes here and do another non-walking aerobic activity once a week. Maybe I'd like to get stronger. I think this may help with metabolism issues, and I feel much better when I move around.

    5. HEALTH PROFESSIONALS: I plan to make and keep appointments to do the important screenings for bloodwork, physical, mammograms, dermatology, and a cleaning at the dentist once a year.

  2. Personal Project and Professional Goals: This is where I really want to make some progress and I'm still a little stuck regarding whether more structure or less structure is the answer. Deadlines haven't worked super well for me this year. Looking at the most successful goals of last year--the health goals--it seems like I did really well with goals that could be broken down with very specific, measurable successes--and I ALWAYS meet goals like doing my videos and webcomics. So I think for this to work better, I'll try assigning days.

    1. WRITING STUFF. The goal: Two novels to finish in 2025. Also at least one short story, and more if I think of them. I will write NEW CONTENT after work on Mondays and Tuesdays and sometime during the day on Saturdays if I don't have social plans. Editing active projects also counts as writing. On at least two days a week that I don't write anything new or edit anything, I will focus on submissions as well. This seems like a lot, but if I want to be serious about my writing as an art and a career, I need to treat it as more than an afterthought. I have learned that I do need down time, but I won't do any mindless scrolling or time-wasting games until after I have completed my goal that day.

    2. WEBSITE STUFF. First up: The photo project, for real. First: scan the rest of my photos from physical albums. Second: go through the boxes in the closet and scan/sort those. Third: Put loose photos in albums or boxes. Fourth: Post and tag the photos on my website. I have no timeline for this. It takes how long it takes. Second up: Once the photos are processed, I can pick up where I left off on my autobiographical website stuff. I wrote an illustrated autobio that stops at 2006. I plan to keep living and stuff, so it's going to keep getting more and more out of date if I don't catch it up. This will take a long time but is far less disorganized than writing the first 20 years because I have journals from the year 2000 on. Third up: Revamped essays and rants for my website. I want to create a tagged, organized, somewhat comprehensive collection of writings in blog format. There will be a lot of cutting and pasting, and I want to collect some content from my old LiveJournal, my Twitter posts, and my Tumblr posts. I'd like to have my short stories, long fiction, and writings from my youth somewhere on the site too, but I haven't decided yet whether I want to keep creative writing on a separate page or just have one big one. Fourth up (or whenever): I thought I might want to have a fan site for Steven Universe, mainly to house better photos of my collections and recipes, but also for other fan content like cosplay photos, analysis, fan art and fan comics, book reviews, interview highlights, and song covers. This is a pretty big project though and I do not know if I feel like undertaking it.

    3. MUSIC STUFF. I flopped on this goal last year but I am going to try again. I want to learn the Steven Universe music on ukulele so I can play it whenever I want. And I would like to do it before a summer convention comes again, so this is a goal for the first half of the year!

    4. REGULAR CONTENT. Same as last year, but I wanna keep it current: I resolve to continue posting a new Negative One webcomic every week and a new So You Write webcomic every month. I'll post a new asexuality video every month. I'll keep sporadically making Not-So-Giant Women with Daria but that depends on her schedule so I can't commit to a post schedule.

    5. VOICE ACTING. This one's new: I got a wild hair recently and decided getting into voice acting would be fun, and was a bit surprised that the first project I responded to led to an audition and getting cast. I'll be looking for more opportunities for small roles in amateur or small professional projects for a while and then see what I can do next. Hopefully by the end of next year I'll have a few roles under my belt?

  3. Reading Goals: I won't resolve to read a particular number of books (again). I think my previous goal of reading at least twice a week (and combining it with exercise) will work out great. I'll keep documenting my progress here.

  4. Relationship and Communication Goals: 

    1. DOCUMENTATION: This is a big one. I fell through the floor on this and don't want to be here again next year. I really want to post more private and public reflections about everyday life, more thoughts and essays and ponderings as well as documentation of daily silliness, celebrating triumphs and ranting about awfulness. Once I get to that point on my website progress, this goal will join with that one, but in the meantime I plan to do a MUCH better job sharing thoughts publicly, not just on private social media.

    2. COMMUNICATION: I'll continue to answer e-mails promptly and keep my e-mail box clear. I'll respond to the social media comments I get quickly and not put them off or forget about them. I'd like to post more frequently--perhaps to share photos or short thoughts--on places like Instagram, Bluesky, and Threads, and maybe it would be nice to post some of the same things on my Tumblr blog.

    3. SOCIAL LIFE: I'll continue to be present with friends and family and make time for them. But I think I can actually afford to be less proactive with some friends and try to meet in the middle more. I really want to get some of these creative and professional goals more front and center, and sometimes that will mean I have to fool around less--though I do not want to do that at the EXPENSE of any relationships. I plan to continue going to game night, having Jeaux Day, and hanging out with pals when they ask! We have some plans to do some friend-group karaoke in early 2025.

  5. Other Goals:
    1. Sell or donate some of the extra things in my garage.
    2. Paint that damn pillar I've been putting off painting.
    3. Keep my house clean (I do a good job with this).
    4. Try to watch those silly TV shows I have been talking about watching.
    5. Don't bite my nails. I discovered after my tooth cracked that I had been using that tooth to bite my nails. If I want to take care of the repaired tooth, I have to stop biting them. I have now been entirely successful not biting my nails at all for the three weeks since it happened, but I plan to carry this into next year.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

No one close to me, but Jeaux's niece Amanda gave birth to baby Ronin. What a cutie.

4. Did anyone close to you die?

My beloved friend Blake passed away from leukemia on July 19. We were pals back in the Gainesville days. May his memory be a blessing. It was also a terrible day for pets this year. Meghan's family lost doggie Barney and kitties Tut and Steve. Sister L lost beloved doggie Chewbacca. Dad and Connie lost precious doggie Max. And my online acquaintance Holly just lost her good dog Meera.

5. What countries did you visit?

I did not leave the USA this year.

6. What would you like to have in 2025 that you lacked in 2024?

  • More quiet time by myself to do projects.
  • Better organization and success on those projects.
  • Less stress about politics (I am not going to receive this).
  • An uneventful hurricane season.
  • Quieter neighbors.
  • Short story sales.
  • As always, a book deal.

7. What dates from 2024 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Probably getting Mom's house ready to sell and on the market, selling it, and wrapping up all the paperwork required to properly settle the estate. There was also the whole pulling off a surprise for my dad's 70th birthday to go see his favorite band and he had no idea what we were planning! I also think finishing four short stories was very good. And I hit 1000 issues of my webcomic!

9. What was your biggest failure?

Not completing the novel I was working on and not spending NEARLY enough time on my creative projects.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

No! I didn't get sick AT ALL this year, unless you count the down time I had after getting my Covid booster. I did have to get a cavity filled (second time ever in my life), and broke a tooth (randomly just cracked--I wasn't even eating when it happened).

11. What was the best thing you bought?

For items: Steven Universe rare zines that I NEVER thought I'd see. For experiences: Alanis tickets, New York tickets, and North Carolina tickets!

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

Civil liberty fighters and queer rights activists who are NOT LETTING THIS COUNTRY GO. I will be with them.


13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

The usual list:
  • Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Elon Musk, Matt Gaetz, and their supporters.
  • Warmongers, torturers, and kidnappers participating in these terrible wars.
  • People who spread lies and conspiracy theories (many of which have their roots in racism, sexism, queerphobia, and antisemitism).
  • All the bastards who have been feeding the fire on "trans women are men who want access to single-sex spaces to do harm to REAL women" and "LGBTQ+ people are groomers."
  • Fake friends.
  • People who use tragedy to capitalize.
  • Every single fatphobe.
  • People who blamed oppressed people for their own oppression.
  • People who expect me and others to clean up the messes they made.

14. Where did most of your money go?

Travel and travel-related expenses, I guess! I went to Charlotte, New York, and Georgia this year.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

16. What song will always remind you of 2024?

"Reasons I Drink" by Alanis Morissette.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

  • i. happier or sadder? Happier, marginally, but scared of some aspects of the near future.
  • ii. thinner or fatter? Thinner. 
  • iii. richer or poorer? Hard question. Technically richer. But operating like I'm poorer because I'm not being paid regularly despite having a full-time job. (Long story.)

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?

Reading and writing! Writing of all kinds.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?

Getting stressed about politics, being patient with people who treated me badly, scrolling to read random stories that make me mad.

20. How did you spend Christmas?

I spent Christmas day with Jeaux making cookies. The day after, we had family over for our holiday dinner.

21. How will you be spending New Year's Eve?

Writing this blog entry and evaluating what my plans will be for next year.

22. Did you fall in love in 2024?

I did not "fall." I have all the love I want in my life.

23. How many one-night stands?

I should probably just delete this question from the survey. But then I'd have to re-number and ew.

24. What was your favorite TV program?

Steven Universe is still my undisputed favorite, but this year I saw the following new seasons or new series: Our Flag Means Death, Heartstopper, The Last Airbender live action, What We Do in the Shadows, Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, Delicious in Dungeon, and Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld. The one that was new to me that I liked the best was Delicious in Dungeon. So much fun and so unexpected.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?


26. What was the best book you read this year?

Down Girl by Kate Mann. I read some good fiction too but that book on the logic of misogyny was incredible.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?

The SIX soundtrack!

28. What did you want and get?

A resolution for my mom's estate, a cool new artistic opportunity, a Covid-free year, a lot of quality time with friends and family, good coffee, good health, a happy home, love and humor, good entertainment.

29. What did you want and not get?

A different result for the election, positive responses for some of my submissions, a hurricane-free year, a better resolution for my job situation.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?

I didn't watch any movies this year except Wicked and The Big Year. They were both great but I did appreciate Wicked more.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

I turned 46. I had to work on the day, but I got a nice long phone call from my sister, and later my dad showed up to take me and Jeaux out to dinner at Vallarta's. Later that week my birthday buddy Meghan came into town to celebrate our birthdays.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

If people had done what they said they would do when they said they would do it, and not left me hanging or needed me to follow up and bother them so much to get things done.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2024?

T-shirts, jeans, cozy sweaters, and granny glasses.

34. What kept you sane?

Marco Polo videos and creative expression.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

Oh, you silly survey.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?

Trans rights and all the frigging liars in government.

37. Who did you miss?


38. Who was the best new person you met?

I didn't have a lot of new people in my life this year. I will say Scott--I technically met him the previous year, but we started hanging out this year and he is lovely.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2024.

Pick your battles.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:

"The pen's in my hand. Ending unplanned."

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Personal Digest Saturday (but posted on Sunday!): December 21 – December 27

Life news this week:

  • Saturday I got up on the early side and worked on my short story. Got my steps in and did my blogging. Wrapped up some holiday plans. Did some more sorting and scanning of photos.

  • Sunday I got up pretty early again and it made the day feel long. Did laundry and trash. Worked on the short story all day but didn't get much done somehow. Worried about Jeaux because something went wrong with his phone and he wasn't answering some kinda important questions. We talked later in the day when his phone started working again.

  • Monday was my last day of work before the holidays. I sent in a letter, bothered people to reply to me with materials they owed us, and updated a project report. Then I worked on the short story and finally finished writing it in the wee hours (though it's just a bloated draft). Also had to coach Jeaux on what food to buy when he did his shopping.

  • Tuesday I got up late. And had to text with Jeaux about a butter emergency. Turned out both of us miscalculated some of the ingredients we would need and the butter was just the first stumbling block for that! But he was going to the store for other things anyway so he was able to get me more butter to bring the next day. My cookie-making plans got a little screwed up because I wouldn't be able to get one of the ingredients until Jeaux came over on Christmas, so I just made the cookies I could make with what I had in the house (snowball cookies and candy cane kiss cookies). I had issues with my mixer not letting me put the beaters in (but eventually I found out what was wrong), and also weirdly I got an egg that had THREE yolks in it. Weird! Then I did some dishes, washed the bedclothes for Jeaux to stay the night the next day, and recorded a karaoke song. And I did a Polo for Steve. AND I finally finished the last of the photo scanning from the photos in the garage. Very productive day.

  • Wednesday I got up on Christmas Day and sent Jeaux a list of things to remember to bring. I prepared a recipe that would be complete once he brought sour cream, but he was kinda late so my cookies got into the fridge to chill kinda late too. Then he helped me make a cheesecake--my first cheesecake!--and we discovered we didn't have enough heavy cream or cream cheese for everything. But beyond that we did okay. We went out for Chinese food on Christmas, and then when we got back we made our homemade Thin Mint-inspired cookies and the chocolate wafer cookies that become sandwich cookies. After they cooled, we dipped the Thin Mints in chocolate coating and we made filling for the sandwich cookies, and once I sliced the refrigerator cookies and baked those too, we were done! Jeaux went to bed, I vacuumed the baking mess up and finished the dishes, and then I crashed.

  • Thursday Jeaux and I got up early to run to the store to pick up our missing cream cheese and heavy cream! We were ready to start making our feast for my family gathering. I made biscuits, did dishes, took a coffee break while Jeaux logged in at work, and then began making a new recipe for me: fake chicken pot pies. Jeaux jumped in to make his vegan scalloped potatoes. We shared the kitchen pretty nicely, but I was stressed out because we were kinda behind schedule. I prepared some fruit and cheese to put out for my family in case they needed something to munch while waiting. (The cheese was very popular once they got there.) We then moved on to our other recipes: I made something called yum-yum corn, and he made green bean casserole. My dad and Connie arrived with brisket my dad made from his mom's recipe. We figured out how to get everything to share the oven, got the table set, and provided beverages. And then later Lindsay and Mike showed up. Very nice to see everyone and Lindsay asked "How's my little big?" (That is so cute. I am her "little big" because I'm five inches shorter but five years older.) We had a lovely meal and everything turned out as good as I could have hoped! I think everyone liked everything despite that apparently half my family does not like peas. (Peas were in the pot pies.) We then moved on to coffee, then dessert (my dad bravely had one of each of our SIX cookies plus cheesecake!), and finally gifts. I got some awesome presents from my generous family and Jeaux. Felt very loved. They left relatively early, and Jeaux hung out a little to help me clean up a few things and put the table away, but after he left I did a bajillion dishes and went to bed early.

  • Friday I went back to work! I did some timesheets, reports, team invitations, reminders, and wrangling some communication. And also, something weird that will be a surprise to everyone: I found out I was cast in an upcoming comedy podcast as a voice actor. (I have not told anyone I was trying out. But I got the part!) More on that as it develops. After work I had to rush to draw Negative One because I did not do any drawing on the family celebration day. I got it all done and then had to do a lot of walking to get my steps in so I did a Polo for Steve. Then I processed some of my received gifts into lists I keep if they added to any of my collections, and sent thank-you texts to the appropriate people. And I finally got to read over about half of my recently completed short story.

Interviews, Articles, Mentions:

  • ingloriousgigi on Threads recommended my videos and my book to people who want authentic information about asexuality, and two people discuss how important the book was to them.

New Reviews:

Health Plan Update:

  • Weight stuff: Well I've had a ton of weird eating this week because it's the holidays! Which is why it's also very strange that I had a new low within the week. Who knows how that happened. I recorded a high of 114.3 and a low of 112.4.
  • Nutrition stuff: Holiday time is a good time to avoid worrying about restrictions, but despite that I am still managing to get three servings of fruit and veggies a day. It's become a definite improvement to my daily routine and I don't have to try very hard to make sure I get them anymore. I am still regularly taking vitamins.
  • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Sunday at 10,036 steps, and my high day was Tuesday at 13,881 steps.
Books Read: 

  • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

  • Currently Reading: Dream to Me by Megan Paasch. I'm on page 74.
    New singing performances:

    This week's karaoke song is "Over at the Frankenstein Place" from Rocky Horror Picture Show.


    Stuff drawn:

    My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:


    #1024: adele #251: an unearthly color.

    Videos Made: 


    New photos:

    There is now a Christmas Album for 2024 if you want to see all the food pics and unabridged photo collection, but here are my favorites:

    One egg with three yolks

    Hanukkah Day 1!

    Jeaux putting together a sandwich cookie!

    The holiday dinner spread. . . . 

    Family enjoying!

    My plate.

    The desserts! Six cookies and a cheesecake!

    A few of family opening presents:

    Social media counts:

    YouTube subscribers: 5,468 for swankivy (no change), 680 for JulieSondra (no change), 16 for v & V Vids (no change), 210 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change), 66 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 802 for swankivy (lost 1), 3,658 for JulieSondra (lost 5). Facebook: 299 friends for swankivy (no change), 643 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 252 followers for So You Write (lost 1), 100 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (lost 1). Tumblr followers: 2,427 (no change). Instagram followers: 281 (1 new). Threads followers: 77 (1 new). Bluesky Social. Bluesky followers: 262 (8 new).

    Saturday, December 21, 2024

    Personal Digest Saturday: December 14 – December 20

    Life news this week:

    • Saturday I organized my holiday meal ideas and wrote out some new recipes. Made a shopping list for all the extra stuff we'll need to host two parties at my house. Then I got my blog done, wrote a book review, and worked on a short story.

    • Sunday I watched someone make Hanukkah donuts, did some laundry, redecorated for the new season, did some more laundry, trash, and chores, and worked on my short story a lot.

    • Monday I had some hectic stuff at work--letter reviews and working on a transcript. I also took some packages to the post office and prepared notes for our upcoming interview. Did some Polos, did dishes, texted with friends, and worked more on the short story.

    • Tuesday I went to a prep meeting for the interview and worked on another letter to go out, and completed some documents for our package that was due for the interview. Did some Polos, wrote my comic, and wrote some more of the short story.

    • Wednesday I finished the interview package and submitted it, and then drew some comics. Jeaux picked me up to go to Panera, and we stopped at a bunch of places to get special items (Fresh Market, Walgreens, the liquor store to get a tiny amount of bourbon for one recipe, and the grocery store). Finally we watched the very last episode of What We Do in the Shadows and read silly things to each other.

    • Thursday I went to an interview prep meeting and drew some comics. Also took another post office trip to take eBay items to be sent. Did some processing for my comic. Ben came over and hung out for a bit before going in to Game Night. After he left I finished processing the comic and posted it before going to sleep once it was officially Friday. Also got my bag packed and outfit planned for the interview.

    • Friday I met my boss to go out to Bartow and our interview went fine--no surprises. Hopefully we did okay and the District will pick us. At home I did my upcoming project reports and took a nap. Jeaux picked me up to go to his company's holiday party, which was on a boat. We had some good food and decent conversation with other people seated with us. Then we visited Sprouts to buy special grocery items. We went back to my place and told each other silly stories before he went home and I went to bed early.

    New Reviews:

    Health Plan Update:

    • Weight stuff: I have no data on this this week. :)
    • Nutrition stuff: Fruits and veggies are in the right balance again this week, and I seem to have rediscovered that soup exists. Yum. Every day that I didn't get enough protein was a day that I ate dinner out, so I think on days I plan to eat out I should try to focus more on protein for breakfast and lunch. I am still regularly taking vitamins.
    • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Friday at 10,028 steps, and my high day was Tuesday at 10,778 steps.
    Books Read: 

    • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

    • Currently Reading: Dream to Me by Megan Paasch. I'm on page 74.
      New singing performances:

      This week's karaoke song is "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve.


      Stuff drawn:

      My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:


      #1023: ivy #319: a whole arm.

      Videos Made: 


      New photos:


      Social media counts:

      YouTube subscribers: 5,468 for swankivy (lost 2), 680 for JulieSondra (no change), 16 for v & V Vids (no change), 210 for Not-So-Giant Women (lost 1), 66 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 803 for swankivy (1 new), 3,663 for JulieSondra (lost 9). Facebook: 299 friends for swankivy (no change), 643 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 253 followers for So You Write (no change), 101 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,427 (no change). Instagram followers: 280 (no change). Threads followers: 76 (no change). I just joined Bluesky Social (where people are flocking for a post-Twitter life). Bluesky followers: 254 (10 new).

      Saturday, December 14, 2024

      Personal Digest Saturday: December 7 – December 13

      Life news this week:

      • Saturday I did some shopping for the few gifts I'll be able to give, and then worked on blogging, walking, and reading in between watching some episodes of that new show Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld. I finished watching it and thought it was decent but it's not on the level of my favorites. That's okay! Also sent my sister a Polo.

      • Sunday I did some photo album processing, some karaoke, and some querying. Played some games, prepped an eBay package, and did my usual chores. Watched Jennifer Paz on a Streamily signing again. Read over an in-progress story.

      • Monday there were no letters going out! I just did some invitations and data entry. Also walked a package to the post office. Did some more photo sorting and scanning. Did a Polo for Meg. Randomly had a piece of one of my teeth come off and I wasn't even eating, so that was weird. (???) Wrote some more of my in-progress story.

      • Tuesday I made a dental appointment to fix my tooth and they had an opening later that day so I went and got it fixed. Boy it's fun dropping money on the dentist when I'm also low on cash. Otherwise I worked on data entry. Ben came over and hung out with me for a short time. We didn't really even have time to catch up on what's been going on, but it was nice to see him. Worked on the short story more. And watched a Streamily Q&A with AJ & Aly but they didn't talk about Steven Universe at all so I didn't write anything up for my blog.

      • Wednesday I bothered people for resumes and got caught up on some materials due next week. Jeaux took me to Vallarta's and we did our grocery shopping and watched What We Do in the Shadows.

      • Thursday I had to work on a transcript so that took most of the day. After work, I planned my comic and finished reading a book and started on a new one. Went to Game Night with friends and drew some comics. Got my steps in and watched some reaction videos.

      • Friday I went to a meeting, worked on timesheets and reports, and got some more transcript stuff done. Finished the comic and posted it, got my walking done, and did a little more on the transcripts.

      New Reviews:

      Health Plan Update:

      • Weight stuff: Data not quite as incomplete this week, but I didn't get a reading every day and that's okay. But nothing really seems to be moving much. I'm having a lot of late-night moments where I want a bedtime snack and that's been a little unusual. I recorded a high of 114.5 and a low of 114.1.
      • Nutrition stuff: I was very good about getting my fruits and veggies in this week! A couple of days were out of whack with high fat versus carbs and protein, but most of the days were balanced. I am still regularly taking vitamins.
      • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Friday at 10,028 steps, and my high day was Tuesday at 10,778 steps.
      Books Read: 

      • Finished Reading: American Panda by Gloria Chao. Two-star review.

      • Currently Reading: Dream to Me by Megan Paasch. I'm on page 74.
        New singing performances:

        This week's karaoke song is "The Miracle" by Queen.


        Stuff drawn:

        My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:


        #1022: weaver #160: he's grown.

        Videos Made: 


        New photos:


        Social media counts:

        YouTube subscribers: 5,470 for swankivy (lost 1), 680 for JulieSondra (1 new), 16 for v & V Vids (no change), 211 for Not-So-Giant Women (2 new), 66 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 802 for swankivy (no change), 3,672 for JulieSondra (lost 7). Facebook: 299 friends for swankivy (no change), 643 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 82 followers for Negative One (no change), 253 followers for So You Write (no change), 101 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,427 (no change). Instagram followers: 280 (no change). Threads followers: 76 (no change). I just joined Bluesky Social (where people are flocking for a post-Twitter life). Bluesky followers: 244 (13 new).

        Saturday, December 7, 2024

        Personal Digest Saturday: November 30 – December 6

        Life news this week:

        • Saturday I dropped a package off at the post office and then ate the rest of my Thanksgiving food (except dessert). Wrote a storyboard for my So You Write comic, recorded a video for Letters to an Asexual, and drew and colored my comic and posted it. (A lot crammed in for the last day of the month! So I can still say I did one of each of those every month!) Got my Thanksgiving photos processed and got my blogging done, and then spent some time yapping to Steve while walking. I was impressed that I got so much done.

        • Sunday I did some lollygagging in the morning and then wrote up my goals updates for the internet. Did some reading of old comics and some querying. Did the laundry and trash chores. Worked on a short story and got some more written. Had to do some gruesome research to make sure I get certain details right (there are a few things I do not like about being a writer). Played silly geography games to relax and tried to stay warm.

        • Monday involved editing two letters. In between, I did some maintenance on my chlorine tank, which was unpleasant because I got sprayed with cold water on a cold day. Found out Meggie's cat Steve died. RIP! He had a good life. Did some more query stuff and wrote my comic storyboard for Negative One. Tuned in for a Steven Universe livestream that ended up getting canceled. Too bad! Did some applications and recorded a karaoke song.

        • Tuesday I had a quiet morning at home and found out we got shortlisted on a job in a neighboring district. Then my boss came to pick me up to go to utility training. We had lunch at the Broken Egg and then attended the training together. Got some drawing done in the car. Did some walking when I got home since the day had been a lot of sitting. Wrote back to some e-mails and did more applications.

        • Wednesday I did some data entry and updates for the office. Did some minor chores around the house. Talked to Tony and sent a Polo to Steve. Jeaux came over and we ate at Mandola's, shopped at Publix, watched some silly stuff, and took a walk. I didn't accomplish anything after he left.

        • Thursday I did more data entry and got some walking in. Had a yummy potato for lunch. My last potato! Watched some entertaining videos, sent some applications, made some social plans, and watched a livestream with AJ Michalka and Kimberly Brooks (who played Stevonnie and Jasper on Steven Universe). Wrote that up for my blog too. Heard there was an earthquake in California! My sister actually felt it but they were not in danger--the potential tsunami didn't happen. Went to game night. (Jeaux accidentally slept through it.) I stayed up too late playing silly games.

        • Friday I did some preparation for the shortlisted project and did my upcoming project reports. Did some laundry and finished my comics after work. Got the walking done and watched a few episodes of the new cartoon Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld. So far my favorite part is the soundtrack but we'll see.

        Health Plan Update:

        • Weight stuff: I was a wimp about getting on the scale this week because it was cold and I didn't want to shed my giant wearable blankets for long enough to brave it. So my data is a bit incomplete this week. I recorded a high of 114.9 and a low of 113.6.
        • Nutrition stuff: We had a high protein week every day except Wednesday (eating at an Italian place means lots of carbs!). The nutrient balance was pretty good this week and I got my fruits and veggies in. I am still regularly taking vitamins.
        • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week. My low day was Saturday at 10,051 steps, and my high day was Wednesday at 10,728 steps.
        Books Read: 

        • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

        • Currently Reading: American Panda by Gloria Chao. I'm on page 209.
          New singing performances:

          This week's karaoke song is "Something I Can Never Have" by Nine Inch Nails.


          Stuff drawn:

          My monthly writing webcomic, So You Write:


          #162: Get It Started.

          My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:


          #1021: meri lin #143: best friends.

          Videos Made: 

          Letters to an Asexual #120 (when aces are elitist or homophobic) is out. In this video, I share an anonymous person's concern about a blog made to mock non-asexual people and where I think the line is between blowing off steam and being a bigot. I express that asexual people deserve a space to vent but not at the expense of other vulnerable groups, and also what I think people in a targeted majority should do or say if a marginalized minority expresses negative thoughts about them.

          New photos:


          Social media counts:

          YouTube subscribers: 5,471 for swankivy (lost 3), 679 for JulieSondra (no change), 16 for v & V Vids (no change), 209 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change), 66 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 802 for swankivy (lost 3), 3,679 for JulieSondra (lost 12--people are still leaving/deleting their accounts in droves). Facebook: 299 friends for swankivy (no change), 643 likes for JulieSondra (no change), 82 followers for Negative One (1 new), 253 followers for So You Write (no change), 101 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,427 (no change). Instagram followers: 280 (1 new). Threads followers: 76 (no change). I just joined Bluesky Social (where people are flocking for a post-Twitter life). Bluesky followers: 231 (12 new).

          Sunday, December 1, 2024

          November Goals Update

          Well, somehow it's DECEMBER! So it's time for my update on how the goals went in November.

          1. Health Goals: I resolved to drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies, and walk at least 10,000 steps a day.

          2. Personal Project Goals: I resolved to get digital photos sorted and collect memorable bits from Facebook for my essays; resolved to work on writing or editing at least one day a week; resolved to relearn ukulele songs I've forgotten and learn new ones, and keep creating my regular webcomic and video content.

          3. Reading Goals: I resolved to read at least twice a week.

          4. Relationship and Communication Goals: I resolved to document daily life stuff more, keep up with e-mails and online communication, and make time for friends and family.

          5. Other Goals: I wanted to prepare and sell my mom's house, watch some TV shows I'd dropped, and not play time-wasting tames.

          Progress Update:

          HEALTH GOALS:

          Summary: Life stabilized somewhat after all the upheavals of last month, so I was able to go back to my more typical eating habits. I'm still really stable weight-wise (would like to lose about 3 pounds, which if I'm that close, it's pretty negligible), and more importantly, my nutrition is usually very good. I guess my main complaint, though, is the lack of variety. Unless I eat out, my meals are pretty samey, and I haven't undertaken any effort to change that. It's not one of my top priorities. This is my calendar of progress:


          Summary: The photos project is underway a bit more this month--I got another album processed and plan to do more before the end of the year. It's a little disappointing that I had such high hopes for this project at the beginning of the year but I still haven't finished what I hoped to be done with by February. I definitely did more than last month with both submissions and writing; got a whole new short story written and some progress on another one, though I'm still a bit disappointed that the novel isn't done. I also haven't picked up my goals for ukulele yet. Progress:

          READING GOALS: 

          Summary: A little better, but there are just not enough hours in the day sometimes. Basically I don't take the time to read unless I'm also doing something else (mainly walking), but when I'm trying to do as much as I do, something's gotta give, and it's okay that reading isn't a super top priority. I still want to make sure I'm reading books and reserving time for it, but it shouldn't be as prioritized as creative goals.


          Summary: I completed some documentation last month and have started posting it. I'll get through what I have saved up soon. My collected e-mail boxes have a total of 4 unanswered messages. Social schedule backed way off this month, to my relief. I still got to spend some time with friends and family without it being too crowded up with time-consuming stuff. But we're going into the holidays now. . . .

          OTHER GOALS:

          Summary: November brought the final pieces of closing my mom's estate. I distributed the money left over from the sale of her house to my sisters and claimed my share, and closed the bank account. It was sad but a relief to not be constantly following up trying to get someone else to do what I needed them to do before I could do what I needed to do. The only unknown still dangling from my mother's passing is how we handle any taxes associated with the inheritance, and I'll have to ask my tax preparer next year.

          Back-burner projects like my plaster pillar painting are still waiting. I put some of the unsold items from my mom's statues and candy jars up on eBay but no takers so far.

          The last appointment I wanted to get for this year was making it to the dentist. I went to the dentist in November for a cleaning and found out I had a cavity between two of my back teeth, so I had to go back to have it filled. Two for one fun! Everything's fine.

          Time-wasting now continues to involve searching for silly geography games to relax. I probably spend too much time doing that and reading old stuff. There's one more TV show I would like to watch, but those don't expire.

          Will update again next month!

          Saturday, November 30, 2024

          Personal Digest Saturday: November 23 – November 29

          Life news this week:

          • Saturday I got a nice late sleep. Awesome. Did some blogging and watched Jennifer Paz's livestream where she signed Steven Universe posters, and then later I watched the same thing for Erica Luttrell. (They play Lapis Lazuli and Sapphire on Steven Universe.) After I wrote up their Q&A responses for my fan blog, I finished my personal blog stuff. I had a lot of walking to do after that so I walked to a lecture, while reading, and while practicing music. I read some old comics and submitted queries. And talked to Jeaux on the phone briefly.

          • Sunday I got up early to go out with Jeaux. We saw Wicked in the theater! Then had lunch at Noble Crust and went grocery shopping. We hung out getting our walking done and talking about politics and religion. After he left I got my chores done, updated some lists, recorded a karaoke song, did some applications, and added some new music to my lists.

          • Monday at work was pretty uneventful so I just did maintenance on reminders and updated lists. Did some reading. Listened to some Polos and read the new issues of Multiversus comics (it's based on a video game with a bunch of characters from different properties and it has two Steven Universe characters in it, so I wanted to check it out). I found a lot of ways they messed up writing the SU characters. Ugh. They should have had a consultant. :)

          • Tuesday I edited a letter for the office and did my usual background updating. I managed to get an entire physical photo album processed for my photo project. I did a Polo and made a chocolate silk pie. Did some reading, took a walk, and had a tiny nice nap.

          • Wednesday there was some coordination to do at the office. Then I spent the day posting some eBay listings for Meghan, who had given me some of her husband's old watches to sell. In the evening I made the whipped cream for the chocolate silk pie and decorated it, and then I made a lentil casserole (a real adventure!) and finally my dinner rolls. Cleaned up the kitchen, got tired, and went to sleep early.

          • Thursday I got up and lollygagged around in the morning until it was time for Jeaux to pick me up for Thanksgiving. He took me out to my dad's house in Sarasota, where we met with family and friends and had a lovely dinner that was ordered in from Michael's (mostly). We had some lovely conversation and some good food. Jeaux and I took a walk after dinner and then we came back for dessert, which was also excellent. We left before it got too late, got more walking done when we got to my place, and watched an episode of our silly show. I crashed soon after.

          • Friday I didn't have to go to work but unfortunately I didn't do much with the free time. I mostly just spent it eating leftovers, packing up eBay packages that sold, and reading old stuff. I also made a Polo for Steve but it's malfunctioning again. I guess I'm allowed to have a non-productive day sometimes. I just don't feel that good about it.

          Health Plan Update:

          • Weight stuff: I swear this is true: I weighed myself Thanksgiving morning before food and the next day after lots of food, and it was exactly the same. Does that make sense? It does not. I recorded a high of 113.9 and a low of 113.1.
          • Nutrition stuff: There was a lot of dessert on the last couple days of the week because of Thanksgiving! So that threw the carb balance all out of whack and the protein very low. I don't worry about stuff like that--I make recordings to track habits, not exceptions, and I firmly believe there are lots of occasions to drop the norms! During the rest of the week I was having some trouble getting all my servings of fruit for some reason, but the protein/carb/fat balance was decent. I am still regularly taking vitamins.
          • Activity stuff: I met my walking goal every day this week, but cut it extremely close a couple days. My low day was Friday at 10,075 steps, and my high day was Wednesday at 11,902 steps.
          Books Read: 

          • Finished Reading: Nothing this week.

          • Currently Reading: American Panda by Gloria Chao. I'm on page 184.
            New singing performances:


            Stuff drawn:

            My weekly fantasy webcomic, Negative One:


            #1020: ivy #318: so what.

            Videos Made: 


            New photos:

            Lentil casserole

            Chocolate Silk Pie

            Dinner Rolls

            Thanksgiving group

            Thanksgiving Group

            My Thanksgiving plate

            Jeaux with his fabulous pumpkin roll

            Chocolate Silk Pie Inside

            Pumpkin Roll Inside

            Dessert Spread

            My Thanksgiving Dessert Plate

            Social media counts:

            YouTube subscribers: 5,474 for swankivy (lost 3), 679 for JulieSondra (no change), 16 for v & V Vids (no change), 209 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change), 66 for Tides of Time Band (no change). Twitter followers: 805 for swankivy (lost 4), 3,691 for JulieSondra (lost 38--people are still leaving the platform en masse because of Elon). Facebook: 299 friends for swankivy (no change), 643 likes for JulieSondra (1 new), 81 followers for Negative One (no change), 253 followers for So You Write (no change), 100 followers for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,427 (no change). Instagram followers: 279 (no change). Threads followers: 76 (no change). I just joined Bluesky Social (where people are flocking for a post-Twitter life). Bluesky followers: 219 (36 new).