Saturday, August 1, 2020

Personal Digest Saturday: July 25 – July 31

Life news this week:

  • Saturday I got up early, made oatmeal cookies for my mom (with raisins this time!) and went to her house via the Jeauxmobile. I didn't hang out that long but she wanted me to help pack up a third of her china for me to have at my house. I said okay. While she was resting I snuck in and did her dishes. :) She drove me back home and I put the china in a big tub to let it soak since it needed cleaning from storage and smoke. It came out really nicely and I rearranged some of my kitchen to find a place for the stuff. After Mom left I played DDR for exercise--I'd been planning on a bike ride but it rained. I processed some photos but didn't get my blogging done.
  • Sunday it rained again so I couldn't clean my table. I did all the other chores like laundry, dishes, and trash. Did some transcript typing and some karaoke, and finally got through all my blogging.
  • Monday work required some proposal wrangling but that was really it. I did manage to get my table cleaned in the afternoon. A roofer visited and I showed him the problem but it didn't get fixed this week--don't know what the timeline is at all. Had some nice text chats with my sisters and played DDR. I got a positive response on one of my short stories--a senior editor said they liked it but not for the anthology I submitted to, and asked me to send it to another one of their projects that might fit better. (But it required I shorten the word count, which I did. An unexpected chunk of the day devoted to editing, but well spent!) Also, Meghan's precious kitty cat had to be put down. :(
  • Tuesday I did edits on a proposal for a local city and dealt with some plans downloads. Texted with my sisters more, took a bike ride and a long walk, and sent out another story after a rejection. Played some fun games online with Meghan's family--hope to recruit some of my pals for games next week! I also worked on my video transcript.
  • Wednesday I worked on some project manager databases and did some package tracking. And of course a bunch of walking. When Jeaux came we went to the store, got food, and made some yummy veggie wraps with soup! Man do I have leftovers though. We watched Owl House and hung out. Also sent some video messages to my sister P.
  • Thursday involved some forms for an upcoming letter and some database stuff. I had to revamp the video I was transcripting because there were some more things I wanted to cut out. I worked on my writing webcomic and sent the video to the interviewee, Marta, so she could review it. Also, I started an oatmeal experiment! New oatmeal recipes for breakfast every day. Victor called but he only lasted about an hour and a half before he got too sleepy and I told him to go to bed. Boo. Got the comic done!
  • Friday I had to do a bunch of stuff with the local proposal again. And I did my usual reports. It is my fictional character Ivy's birthday! She is 24. Wow. I worked on the webcomic and reviewed the season 3 instrumental soundtrack of Steven Universe which was just released. It's great as always!
Interviews, Articles, Mentions:

  • The-Modern-Typewriter Blog said they were reading my book and answered someone's question about it, giving a little mini-review.
  • Queer As Cat recommended my book with some other ace resources to someone who needs a parent to understand.
New Reviews of My Book:
Food Plan Update:
  • Still doing my cool plan and still liking it. Since it's the end of the month I think I'll show you some stats. I wish the food plan could show a weekly or monthly breakdown but they only do that with exercise. But overall I am given 1200 calories to spend (it increases on days I record a workout or exercise) and I'm generally coming in well under that without being hungry at all, plus meeting an ever-increasing step count (it will eventually recommend 10,000 steps, but I'm up to 8600 right now and haven't failed to meet the requirement yet) and setting personal goals for exercise and mindful eating.
  • I've ended the month at 123 pounds (overall, down 2 pounds, which is on track for the expected .5 pound loss per week); I can wear a pair of jeans I couldn't before; and I'm eating way more vegetables and fruits and yogurt than I used to.
  • I am also doing something cool with oatmeal breakfasts that I just started! So far I have done a raisin/pistachio/honey oatmeal and a peach cobbler oatmeal. More next week!
Reading progress:
  • Finished Reading: Nothing, paused on reading projects right now!
    New singing performances:

    This week's karaoke song is "Broken Wings" by Mr. Mister.

    Stuff Drawn:

    Webcomic So You Write Issue 110: "Shorter."

    Webcomic Negative One Issue 0794: "That Look."

    New videos: 

    I made one but I haven't been given permission to make it public yet.

    New photos:

    China put away in the cabinet
    Another post-workout selfie

    My wrap! Mushrooms, tofu, cheese, broccoli

    Wrap is wrapped!

    Oatmeal with raisins, pistachios, and honey

    Oatmeal with peaches, yogurt, and cinnamon

    Social Media Counts:

    YouTube subscribers: 5,296 for swankivy (3 new), 676 for JulieSondra (1 new), 16 for v & V Vids (no change), 99 for Not-So-Giant Women (no change). Twitter followers: 948 for swankivy (lost 2), 1,360 for JulieSondra (no change). Facebook: 297 friends (no change) for swankivy, 634 likes for JulieSondra (lost 1), 62 likes for Negative One (no change), 162 likes for So You Write (4 new), 83 likes for Not-So-Giant-Women (no change). Tumblr followers: 2,479 (lost 3). Instagram followers: 203 (1 new).

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