The year's short month for 2025 is all over with, so here I am again. Let's see how the New Year's Resolutions (and general goals) are shaking out!
1. Health Goals: I resolved to continue drinking an appropriate amount of water (around 4 glasses a day), eat 3 servings of fruits and veggies a day and keep my nutrition balanced, and walk at least 10,000 steps a day plus add in an aerobic activity every other day.
2. Personal Project Goals: I resolved to keep working on getting photos sorted as the first stop on a website rebuild; resolved to work on writing three days a week and submissions when I can; resolved to relearn ukulele songs I've forgotten and learn new ones, keep creating my regular webcomic and video content, and get some small voice acting gigs.
3. Reading Goals: I resolved to read at least twice a week.
4. Relationship and Communication Goals: I resolved to document daily life stuff more, keep up with e-mails and online communication, and make time for friends and family.
5. Other Goals: Get rid of some things in my garage, paint the pillar, keep the house clean, watch some backed up TV shows, and avoid biting my nails.
Progress Update:
Summary: Things are still going quite well with the routine I established last year. Fruits and veggies are an everyday part of the diet still; I've diversified JUST a little; and I've continued hydrating and taking vitamins with no problem. The addition of aerobic exercise every other day has been workable with no dropouts. This is my calendar of progress:
(Click these calendars and they will expand so you can actually read them!)
Summary: Writing is going GREAT with my setting aside time to write three times a week, and I'm consistently submitting as well for multiple projects. It is so nice to see that robustly filled calendar, and I'm trying to be kind to myself on being okay with it if sometimes the writing sessions are very light word counts because at least I did something! (Way better than last year.) The only bad thing is that I tend to push the writing sessions until the very last thing of the day, and in my head the logic is that if I do that, I can relax and do it for as long as I need to with no other obligations hanging over me, but what ends up happening realistically is that I'm sometimes writing when I'm tired and I end up staying up too late to get it done sometimes. I don't love that. Still looking for the best balance.
Writing Progress:
I have also continued making progress scanning in physical photo albums, but it's slowed down this month. And the ukulele goal is going very well; I've relearned the songs I forgot and I'm ready to move on to new material. Last month I completed my one voice acting role that I was cast for, while sending in several other auditions for small projects, and I got cast in another one that's in progress now. Here's the Projects Calendar:
Summary: This goal has consistently been the one that "gives" in favor of the other goals sometimes. I'd really like to get back to reading twice a week at least but this is something I let slide so I can do it when I have time. Sometimes I just don't. But I've still gotten through two books this month and that's something.
Summary: My time as balanced between projects and social life is still good. Online communication is OK and I have no e-mails waiting. The documentation goals are still super eh. I again only made one non-update post so far this year. I am still taking notes to get this in gear though. I will do it.
Summary: I still need to sand and paint the plaster pillar that is sitting outside. I went to a doctor's appointment and had an additional procedure on my toe. I still have a TV show I want to watch. I did list my garage items on eBay. I grew my nails after kicking my habit of biting them, but I don't like them long, so I have cut them and they aren't very long anymore. I need to catch up on photographing and cataloging some new Steven Universe collection items that are sitting in my floor and I need to hang a couple pieces of art. Next month!